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Diversity's BLM dance shortlisted for BAFTA

camberwell gypsy

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39 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

This only goes to show that no matter how argumentative or obstructive you are with your point of view, if the person that disagrees with your point of view has got a loaded gun you are not going to win the argument. I think she probably argued with the wrong person on this occasion, at 3am in the morning when you've got 3x kids? What was she (not) thinking of?

At a guess she was busy stereotyping her race.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

This only goes to show that no matter how argumentative or obstructive you are with your point of view, if the person that disagrees with your point of view has got a loaded gun you are not going to win the argument. I think she probably argued with the wrong person on this occasion, at 3am in the morning when you've got 3x kids? What was she (not) thinking of?

There was a party at a house apparently, which I thought was against current Covid restrictions. No mention of this in any of the articles though, maybe if your party has reggae and jungle music, and everyone is smoking huge joints of skunk, the virus keeps its distance.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

There was a party at a house apparently, which I thought was against current Covid restrictions. No mention of this in any of the articles though, maybe if your party has reggae and jungle music, and everyone is smoking huge joints of skunk, the virus keeps its distance.

Don't stereotype. They might have been having a Scrabble party while sitting around drinking Pimms & lemonade. And then an argument ensued about two 'O's and not a 'U' in BLOOD before somebody decided to spill some.

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The girl is an absolute fruit cake and has a mouth on her. I saw an interview she did with Tommy Robinson and she is threatening a black guy (I think it's one of Tommy Robinson's black friends).

She is telling him she'll fuck him up etc, whilst she has some lump backing her up.

Time will tell what happened.

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5 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Evil? I’d say naive. Wandering around flanked by pantomime “Guardian Angels” does not mean you have real protection. The naivety of all this lies in the idea that the hornets nest of racial disquiet can be stirred up regardless of consequences. You only have to read a thread like this to see how real racism is in this country. Yes, people of all colours , intellects and ages contribute to it both wittingly and unwittingly. No, I don’t understand why people feel the need to be so inflammatory and abusive about it.

Have you ever stopped to think that this MSM agenda of having raaacism smashed down the throats of the vast majority white population of this country is somehow contributing to a backlash where a normally placid and tolerant society is slowly getting more radicalised and extreme in their views? From the BLM tsunami  to the BBC’s obsession, Christ, even Netflix has a BLM content section and pretty much everything you see/hear on radio/tv these days. At a time when we face far more urgent problems that need addressing the agenda is to force feed racism, de-colonisation, Empire guilt and reparations, be they financial or reverse discriminatory into your mouth, eyes and ears at every fuckin turn. This country is and always has been manifestly tolerant towards immigrants of whatever colour, there are always isolated examples to the contrary but isolated is what they are. You roll over on your back and empathise with the poor, oppressed, abused and marginalised stabby fuckers if you want, run along to the Natural History Museum and give the cunts a hand with stripping Darwin’s statue and input out of the place (their latest target) because he was a bit ‘colonial’ apparently. I’ll continue to roll my eyes and take the piss out of the dishonest, one-agenda, racist cunts...on here! Fuck them.

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18 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

The girl is an absolute fruit cake and has a mouth on her. I saw an interview she did with Tommy Robinson and she is threatening a black guy (I think it's one of Tommy Robinson's black friends).

She is telling him she'll fuck him up etc, whilst she has some lump backing her up.

Time will tell what happened.

So out of all the people in the garden she was the only one to be hit? And she wasn't the intended victim? I'd like to call bullshit on this however, why would she be targeted by her brethren?  One thing that does surprise me is her mob aren't saying it was honkies who carried this out. 

Has @Eric Cuntmananswered the question about his whereabouts yet? 

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12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So out of all the people in the garden she was the only one to be hit? And she wasn't the intended victim? I'd like to call bullshit on this however, why would she be targeted by her brethren?  One thing that does surprise me is her mob aren't saying it was honkies who carried this out. 

Has @Eric Cuntmananswered the question about his whereabouts yet? 

It couldn’t have been Eric, Gypps, he’d have emptied several magazines into the ‘gathering’, but I did see him digging an Uzi shaped hole in his garden last night.

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23 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Have you ever stopped to think that this MSM agenda of having raaacism smashed down the throats of the vast majority white population of this country is somehow contributing to a backlash where a normally placid and tolerant society is slowly getting more radicalised and extreme in their views? From the BLM tsunami  to the BBC’s obsession, Christ, even Netflix has a BLM content section and pretty much everything you see/hear on radio/tv these days. At a time when we face far more urgent problems that need addressing the agenda is to force feed racism, de-colonisation, Empire guilt and reparations, be they financial or reverse discriminatory into your mouth, eyes and ears at every fuckin turn. This country is and always has been manifestly tolerant towards immigrants of whatever colour, there are always isolated examples to the contrary but isolated is what they are. You roll over on your back and empathise with the poor, oppressed, abused and marginalised stabby fuckers if you want, run along to the Natural History Museum and give the cunts a hand with stripping Darwin’s statue and input out of the place (their latest target) because he was a bit ‘colonial’ apparently. I’ll continue to roll my eyes and take the piss out of the dishonest, one-agenda, racist cunts...on here! Fuck them.

That’s a bit one eyed though. I deplore hypocrisy, cant and and absurdity too. I, equally, recognise how noisy, bouncy minorities hijack agendas and jostle to monopolise media space and time. No, I don’t roll over and accept these things  But somehow I manage to express myself without  resorting to common abuse and racial insults. A cunt is a cunt because of what they do, irrespective of colour , religion or sexual orientation. Why do people delight in the injury of others  and glory in the distress of their family? Why use words like nig nog and refer to people as savages? Because they are fucking stupid, that’s why. 

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18 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So out of all the people in the garden she was the only one to be hit? And she wasn't the intended victim? I'd like to call bullshit on this however, why would she be targeted by her brethren?  One thing that does surprise me is her mob aren't saying it was honkies who carried this out. 

Has @Eric Cuntmananswered the question about his whereabouts yet? 

Can you confirm your whereabouts? Being an outrageous racist and the Camberwell/Saaaaf London connection. 

I'll be watching you. 

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3 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

That’s a bit one eyed though. I deplore hypocrisy, cant and and absurdity too. I, equally, recognise how noisy, bouncy minorities hijack agendas and jostle to monopolise media space and time. No, I don’t roll over and accept these things  But somehow I manage to express myself without  resorting to common abuse and racial insults. A cunt is a cunt because of what they do, irrespective of colour , religion or sexual orientation. Why do people delight in the injury of others  and glory in the distress of their family? Why use words like nig nog and refer to people as savages? Because they are fucking stupid, that’s why. 

I can one hundred percent understand the anger of white people in this country. There seems to be an insidious campaign by certain groups and media outlets to subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, imply that there should be a certain amount of guilt that white people should feel for the acts of a small minority of racists, both past and present.

I find this galling, as whenever all black, Muslim or other minority groups are tarred (excuse the pun) with the same brush due to the acts of a small minority, said opinion is deemed to be racist. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. We can't have a society where it's ok to label a whole ethnic group as culpable for the crimes and attitudes of a small section of that group, but to say the opposite about another ethnic group is deemed to be racist. 

That's not how equality works, it seems to me that people like the woman we are discussing want to be more equal than others, instead of actually striving towards genuine equality. 

I agree with you that expressing your anger with racial slurs isn't right, but when a group of people feel like their whole identity and culture is being threatened, they will often resort to such behaviour. 

I don't have an answer as to how we can create a racially harmonious country, but I know for a fact that you don't go about it in the way that certain members of the BLM movement have been.

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19 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I can only be honest and not too wordy about this. I don't care if she has been slotted, as I view her ideology as anti white.

I will avoid racist epithets as this will only bring the site into problems.

I direct my ire to the political class who have purposefully allowed England to fall to the awful standards that exist today. This should always remain the focus, the rest is just noise and distraction.

We have had a long line of feeble politicians in government.......weak people create hard times.

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2 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

That’s a bit one eyed though. I deplore hypocrisy, cant and and absurdity too. I, equally, recognise how noisy, bouncy minorities hijack agendas and jostle to monopolise media space and time. No, I don’t roll over and accept these things  But somehow I manage to express myself without  resorting to common abuse and racial insults. A cunt is a cunt because of what they do, irrespective of colour , religion or sexual orientation. Why do people delight in the injury of others  and glory in the distress of their family? Why use words like nig nog and refer to people as savages? Because they are fucking stupid, that’s why. 

Have you ever lived in a highly predominantly black society? Have you heard the vitriolic, divisive and racist language that they direct at one another? Have you ever witnessed the vicious and violent methods they employ against each other to settle even the meagrest of disputes to the complete carnage in governance and law and order when they are left to their own devices? This is not a racist opinion, it’s a fucking fact that I’ve witnessed in several countries first hand. Darker skinned blacks against lighter skinned was a favourite cause for the employment of the macheté. The woman concerned is an undoubted racist and whilst it must be a difficult time for those who love her, you can’t deny the amusing irony that those that she aggressively promotes have resorted to type and acted in the only way that they know how to.  ‘Savage?’ I think so. Now, don’t get me started on the disciples of the child molester-in-chief, Allah. You berate people for using words which I’d suggest are far less damaging than the bullet and knife.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I can one hundred percent understand the anger of white people in this country. There seems to be an insidious campaign by certain groups and media outlets to subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, imply that there should be a certain amount of guilt that white people should feel for the acts of a small minority of racists, both past and present.

I find this galling, as whenever all black, Muslim or other minority groups are tarred (excuse the pun) with the same brush due to the acts of a small minority, said opinion is deemed to be racist. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. We can't have a society where it's ok to label a whole ethnic group as culpable for the crimes and attitudes of a small section of that group, but to say the opposite about another ethnic group is deemed to be racist. 

That's not how equality works, it seems to me that people like the woman we are discussing want to be more equal than others, instead of actually striving towards genuine equality. 

I agree with you that expressing your anger with racial slurs isn't right, but when a group of people feel like their whole identity and culture is being threatened, they will often resort to such behaviour. 

I don't have an answer as to how we can create a racially harmonious country, but I know for a fact that you don't go about it in the way that certain members of the BLM movement have been.

Chickens coming home to roost, I couldn’t care at all about a two Bob mouthy trouble maker, the real story today is Norwich City Council will light up one of the city's most recognisable landmarks to mark the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.

wtf has Saint George got to do with Norwich! 

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Have you ever lived in a highly predominantly black society? Have you heard the vitriolic, divisive and racist language that they direct at one another? Have you ever witnessed the vicious and violent methods they employ against each other to settle even the meagrest of disputes to the complete carnage in governance and law and order when they are left to their own devices? This is not a racist opinion, it’s a fucking fact that I’ve witnessed in several countries first hand. Darker skinned blacks against lighter skinned was a favourite cause for the employment of the macheté. The woman concerned is an undoubted racist and whilst it must be a difficult time for those who love her, you can’t deny the amusing irony that those that she aggressively promotes have resorted to type and acted in the only way that they know how to.  ‘Savage?’ I think so. Now, don’t get me started on the disciples of the child molester-in-chief, Allah. You berate people for using words which I’d suggest are far less damaging than the bullet and knife.

Yes, yes, yes and yes... on a final note, I know nothing of your life...but you know nothing of mine either. I make no assumptions about you but you seem to making a few about me. Irrespective of what you think, irrespective of what ethnic minorities do to each other or call each other, we ain’t doing it here. 

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Just now, Eddie said:

Chickens coming home to roost, I couldn’t care at all about a two Bob mouthy trouble maker, the real story today is Norwich City Council will light up one of the city's most recognisable landmarks to mark the first anniversary of the murder of George Floyd.

wtf has Saint George got to do with Norwich! 

Give me the link, Edward. I don't work for NCC, so I haven't heard about this. But if you're looking for reasons why it's being done, I suggest you look no further than that utter fucking wanker Clive Lewis.


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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I can one hundred percent understand the anger of white people in this country. There seems to be an insidious campaign by certain groups and media outlets to subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, imply that there should be a certain amount of guilt that white people should feel for the acts of a small minority of racists, both past and present.

I find this galling, as whenever all black, Muslim or other minority groups are tarred (excuse the pun) with the same brush due to the acts of a small minority, said opinion is deemed to be racist. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. We can't have a society where it's ok to label a whole ethnic group as culpable for the crimes and attitudes of a small section of that group, but to say the opposite about another ethnic group is deemed to be racist. 

That's not how equality works, it seems to me that people like the woman we are discussing want to be more equal than others, instead of actually striving towards genuine equality. 

I agree with you that expressing your anger with racial slurs isn't right, but when a group of people feel like their whole identity and culture is being threatened, they will often resort to such behaviour. 

I don't have an answer as to how we can create a racially harmonious country, but I know for a fact that you don't go about it in the way that certain members of the BLM movement have been.

I agree with you.

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2 hours ago, The Beast said:

I can only be honest and not too wordy about this. I don't care if she has been slotted, as I view her ideology as anti white.

I will avoid racist epithets as this will only bring the site into problems.

I direct my ire to the political class who have purposefully allowed England to fall to the awful standards that exist today. This should always remain the focus, the rest is just noise and distraction.

We have had a long line of feeble politicians in government.......weak people create hard times.

This is perfectly true. The picture posted here of Starmer and that thick bint of a deputy taking the knee was utterly cringeworthy and likely evoked derision nationwide.

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29 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Yes, yes, yes and yes... on a final note, I know nothing of your life...but you know nothing of mine either. I make no assumptions about you but you seem to making a few about me. Irrespective of what you think, irrespective of what ethnic minorities do to each other or call each other, we ain’t doing it here. 

Erm...hence the question, Spotto?

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1 minute ago, cuntspotter said:

Poor fatty. 

Reinstate him then, you have the power. Eddie will vouch for his good behavior from now on.

Old fatty isn’t the brightest ( ie thick as fucking shite) and was easily led by decs into calling a certain punter (Harold?) a nonce. Taking advantage of the stupid is bad form. Ban the cunt

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