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Gert wilders please

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

Gert in the Netherlands has done very well indeed .Quite obviously the  unassuming , calm and intelligent Dutch population will be branded en masse , a bunch of far right popularist fascists very much  in keeping with the far left radical thinking   who's insidious creep has infected our own country and its institutions  for decades .Other Dutch parties are refusing to work with dear Gert .The left always carp on about being the bastion of democracy and the one true moral authority but when democracy speaks,  and speaks loudly they refuse to abide by its principals. The left are the cunts of the world .

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Gert has already spoken of "compromise" and won't deliver anything that even remotely resembles his election mandate, even if the other parties do agree to work with him.

Add to that there is no way in Hell that the Dutch will vote to leave the EU and he will be about as effective as any other mainstream politician, i.e. fucking useless.

It'll be more of the same, not anything different.

The cat faced, Meloni mark II cunt.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Gert has already spoken of "compromise" and won't deliver anything that even remotely resembles his election mandate, even if the other parties do agree to work with him.

Add to that there is no way in Hell that the Dutch will vote to leave the EU and he will be about as effective as any other mainstream politician, i.e. fucking useless.

It'll be more of the same, not anything different.

The cat faced, Meloni mark II cunt.

The way that the concept of ‘democracy’ has been gradually bastardised and manipulated across the entire ‘Western World’ into a system that prohibits the people ever getting a government that is capable of introducing the actual policies and basic legislation that they thought they had voted for is imo a clear sign that history is about to repeat itself and like all ‘civilisations’ before us we are witnessing the final days of this one and countless millions will die during the transition to the next great experiment of the human race.

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11 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

Gert in the Netherlands has done very well indeed .Quite obviously the  unassuming , calm and intelligent Dutch population will be branded en masse , a bunch of far right popularist fascists very much  in keeping with the far left radical thinking   who's insidious creep has infected our own country and its institutions  for decades .Other Dutch parties are refusing to work with dear Gert .The left always carp on about being the bastion of democracy and the one true moral authority but when democracy speaks,  and speaks loudly they refuse to abide by its principals. The left are the cunts of the world .

Does Gert stand in for Geert when he goes on holiday? But more of the same from you, elc. Perhaps a bit for humour might be good, too, though I'm quite liking this. What have you got to say about my response to you, below? (Perhaps reply to it on another thread, as it wasn't my intention to derail a worthy nom.)


On 14/11/2023 at 14:46, Wolfie said:

The bit in bold is a good point you raise. You're not quite the stupid cunt you first appear, in spite of having the writing skills of a 10 year-old.

Hamas, however, cannot be tarred with the same brush as every other Islamic organisation. Each has different aims and objectives. Britain and the US have been meddling in the Middle East for hundreds of years, more recently using Israel as their key military and economic lychpin.

I hate Hamas, for the reasons I've pointed out during past weeks. Perhaps it was their intention all along to incite deep racial hatred among a new generation of Palestinians (against Israel and the West's support of it), which they are seemingly achieving. To batten down the hatches among vital hospitals (alleged atw) is every bit as abhorrent as the ongoing Israeli onslaught. To have a pre-planned defence with tunnel systems very much suggests a large-scale operation, and again, I'm amazed Mossad allegedly knew nothing about it before Oct 07. Egypt as already confirmed it warned Israeli authorities before this date – a fact some Western media appears to have conveniently forgotten. (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/12/israel-hamas-war-egypt-warned-foreign-affairs-gaza)

Hamas does not speak on behalf of Palestine; a corrupt organisation which hasn't raised an election since 2006 is not a democracy. How can it be? Not only this, the 'election' was not legal. Too many innocent civilians are losing their lives, forced into a tiny corner of contested religious lands by Jewish (and British) authorities from the outset. What Israel is doing right now – only recently agreeing to temporary ceasefires – is genocidal and no different to the Krauts' blitzkrieg assaults on Spain in the 1930s and most of Europe in the 1940s.

In the words of the Cambridge English Dictionary:


'The deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.' 


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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Does Gert stand in for Geert when he goes on holiday? But more of the same from you, elc. Perhaps a bit for humour might be good, too, though I'm quite liking this. What have you got to say about my response to you, below? (Perhaps reply to it on another thread, as it wasn't my intention to derail a worthy nom.)



Israel  is generally a civilised society all be it with a penchant for male genital mutilation. You're an obviously intelligent  person and as you suggest my literary  skills quite possibly are that of a ten year old .I wouldn't make aspertions in regards to your level of education as you do mine as I believe it rather vulgar  and I think you let yourself  down in taking that tack with me .Anyway , you and many others speak of the historical implications that have formed the middle East and its plethora of petty squabbles and tribal loyalties .The failiure of such thinking is the ignorance of the here and now  and what is actually happening on the ground presently. Israel does not want war .The Palestinians are locked in perpetual victimhood .The culture is barbaric, the religion is barbaric and a good many of the common a garden citizens of that fucked up shit hole are barbaric as the parading of the  half naked dead body of a german girl raped and beaten to death by "ordinary" palastinian men proves. Those in the West wringing their hands in angst for the palastinian cause believe they are dealing with individuals  with decency and humanity that I'm afraid is not the case .No other middle eastern country wishes to help or receive palastinian refugees. Why ? Because they're trouble .The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians. Israel have demanded, quite rightly  the release of hostages taken by Hamas , when that occurs they have promised to negotiate. Israel wants a 2 state solution to the wider  problem, its quite obvious israel and the  jews cannot just float away into the ether. Hamas endlessly declares they wish   the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. That is the here and now .That is the problem.Islam because of a lack of a  new testament or mordenising process   is  as warlike,  intolerant and misogynistic as it was at its  conception. That is the here and now .

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2 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Israel  is generally a civilised society all be it with a penchant for male genital mutilation. You're an obviously intelligent  person and as you suggest my literary  skills quite possibly are that of a ten year old .I wouldn't make aspertions in regards to your level of education as you do mine as I believe it rather vulgar  and I think you let yourself  down in taking that tack with me .Anyway , you and many others speak of the historical implications that have formed the middle East and its plethora of petty squabbles and tribal loyalties .The failiure of such thinking is the ignorance of the here and now  and what is actually happening on the ground presently. Israel does not want war .The Palestinians are locked in perpetual victimhood .The culture is barbaric, the religion is barbaric and a good many of the common a garden citizens of that fucked up shit hole are barbaric as the parading of the  half naked dead body of a german girl raped and beaten to death by "ordinary" palastinian men proves. Those in the West wringing their hands in angst for the palastinian cause believe they are dealing with individuals  with decency and humanity that I'm afraid is not the case .No other middle eastern country wishes to help or receive palastinian refugees. Why ? Because they're trouble .The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians. Israel have demanded, quite rightly  the release of hostages taken by Hamas , when that occurs they have promised to negotiate. Israel wants a 2 state solution to the wider  problem, its quite obvious israel and the  jews cannot just float away into the ether. Hamas endlessly declares they wish   the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. That is the here and now .That is the problem.Islam because of a lack of a  new testament or mordenising process   is  as warlike,  intolerant and misogynistic as it was at its  conception. That is the here and now .

Bloody hell. There is a kibbutz getting ready for your arrival. After ten years you'll be entitled to lick a rich Jew's arse. 

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8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Israel  is generally a civilised society all be it with a penchant for male genital mutilation. You're an obviously intelligent  person and as you suggest my literary  skills quite possibly are that of a ten year old .I wouldn't make aspertions in regards to your level of education as you do mine as I believe it rather vulgar  and I think you let yourself  down in taking that tack with me .Anyway , you and many others speak of the historical implications that have formed the middle East and its plethora of petty squabbles and tribal loyalties .The failiure of such thinking is the ignorance of the here and now  and what is actually happening on the ground presently. Israel does not want war .The Palestinians are locked in perpetual victimhood .The culture is barbaric, the religion is barbaric and a good many of the common a garden citizens of that fucked up shit hole are barbaric as the parading of the  half naked dead body of a german girl raped and beaten to death by "ordinary" palastinian men proves. Those in the West wringing their hands in angst for the palastinian cause believe they are dealing with individuals  with decency and humanity that I'm afraid is not the case .No other middle eastern country wishes to help or receive palastinian refugees. Why ? Because they're trouble .The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians. Israel have demanded, quite rightly  the release of hostages taken by Hamas , when that occurs they have promised to negotiate. Israel wants a 2 state solution to the wider  problem, its quite obvious israel and the  jews cannot just float away into the ether. Hamas endlessly declares they wish   the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. That is the here and now .That is the problem.Islam because of a lack of a  new testament or mordenising process   is  as warlike,  intolerant and misogynistic as it was at its  conception. That is the here and now .

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

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Guest entitled little cunt
18 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Bloody hell. There is a kibbutz getting ready for your arrival. After ten years you'll be entitled to lick a rich Jew's arse. 

No , they'll be entitled to lick my arse .

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Guest entitled little cunt
19 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Looks like Biden will get one , thats obviously what the incoherant simpleton is hoping for . The demented old fools presidency has been a farcical disaster and they're desparately looking  for anything  positive .Iran ,  Russia and every other tin pot shithole are laughing their socks off at his weakness.  The world  can only  live in hope awards will be made,  posthumously .

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

Who gives s fuck about what the Dutch do? They can shove their Edam and tulips up their arse. Fuck "em.

The Dutch are pretty much good people in general.Europe will give a fuck .The Dutch  population  have declared enough is enough and has  became hostile to leftist bollox .Starmer , lammy , Abbott  and those Labour MPs who stepped down because they have loyalty for a crackpot medieval cult rather than the politics  of the nation should take heed .

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37 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Israel  is generally a civilised society all be it with a penchant for male genital mutilation. You're an obviously intelligent  person and as you suggest my literary  skills quite possibly are that of a ten year old .I wouldn't make aspertions in regards to your level of education as you do mine as I believe it rather vulgar  and I think you let yourself  down in taking that tack with me .Anyway , you and many others speak of the historical implications that have formed the middle East and its plethora of petty squabbles and tribal loyalties .The failiure of such thinking is the ignorance of the here and now  and what is actually happening on the ground presently. Israel does not want war .The Palestinians are locked in perpetual victimhood .The culture is barbaric, the religion is barbaric and a good many of the common a garden citizens of that fucked up shit hole are barbaric as the parading of the  half naked dead body of a german girl raped and beaten to death by "ordinary" palastinian men proves. Those in the West wringing their hands in angst for the palastinian cause believe they are dealing with individuals  with decency and humanity that I'm afraid is not the case .No other middle eastern country wishes to help or receive palastinian refugees. Why ? Because they're trouble .The great Islamic brotherhood seems rather lacking in sympathy towards Palestinians. Israel have demanded, quite rightly  the release of hostages taken by Hamas , when that occurs they have promised to negotiate. Israel wants a 2 state solution to the wider  problem, its quite obvious israel and the  jews cannot just float away into the ether. Hamas endlessly declares they wish   the destruction of Israel and the death of all Jews. That is the here and now .That is the problem.Islam because of a lack of a  new testament or mordenising process   is  as warlike,  intolerant and misogynistic as it was at its  conception. That is the here and now .

I’ve become used to your literary eccentricities and shotgun punctuation technique. You’re clearly not thick so I don’t care. 
 Snowy is one of our most popular contributors and he has the English skills of a Downs syndrome prokaryote that’s been further distracted by itchy piles. 
 I hope this is of some comfort to you at this difficult time.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve become used to your literary eccentricities and shotgun punctuation technique. You’re clearly not thick so I don’t care. 
 Snowy is one of our most popular contributors and he has the English skills of a Downs syndrome prokaryote that’s been further distracted by itchy piles. 
 I hope this is of some comfort to you at this difficult time.

It is of comfort  , thankyou .I feel I've had my head stroked by Sophia Loren circa .1967.

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On 23/11/2023 at 16:13, Decimus said:

Gert has already spoken of "compromise" and won't deliver anything that even remotely resembles his election mandate, even if the other parties do agree to work with him.

Add to that there is no way in Hell that the Dutch will vote to leave the EU and he will be about as effective as any other mainstream politician, i.e. fucking useless.

It'll be more of the same, not anything different.

The cat faced, Meloni mark II cunt.

This will undoubtedly be the case if he wants play the game. However, his electoral success is clear proof that Western Europeans simply don’t want their countries, with their history and hard work, overrun by hoards of immigrants (especially Muslims) who are incompatible with their values. 

I lived in the Netherlands for a few years and they’re not as liberal as we think. Very strait laced and proud of their heritage, and predominantly white. I’m not surprised Geert got the vote

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28 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I lived in the Netherlands for a few years and they’re not as liberal as we think. Very strait laced and proud of their heritage, and predominantly white. I’m not surprised Geert got the vote

I've not really had much experience with the Dutch, but I've spent a fair amount of time in Belgium over the years. I've got plenty of time for the Flemish population and the Dutchophone areas of the country, but when it comes to Wallonia and the plastic frogs that inhabit it, I'd quite happily applaud it getting wiped off of the map with a couple of tactical thermonuclear missiles.

Fuck off, Witherrssssssss.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've not really had much experience with the Dutch, but I've spent a fair amount of time in Belgium over the years. I've got plenty of time for the Flemish population and the Dutchophone areas of the country, but when it comes to Wallonia and the plastic frogs that inhabit it, I'd quite happily applaud it getting wiped off of the map with a couple of tactical thermonuclear missiles.

Fuck off, Witherrssssssss.

There’s a very real chance Belgium will split in two along these lines. The cloggies are a pleasant bunch, quite conservative and happy to stick to the rules. I guess that’s why they’ve allowed their country to be run by so called liberals for so long. When I was there it was the height of chav culture back in the UK. They simply didn’t exist in Holland

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On 23/11/2023 at 16:13, Decimus said:

Gert has already spoken of "compromise" and won't deliver anything that even remotely resembles his election mandate, even if the other parties do agree to work with him.

Add to that there is no way in Hell that the Dutch will vote to leave the EU and he will be about as effective as any other mainstream politician, i.e. fucking useless.

It'll be more of the same, not anything different.

The cat faced, Meloni mark II cunt.

Exactly. He's a small hat sympathiser. He poses no threat to the system.

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3 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

There’s a very real chance Belgium will split in two along these lines. The cloggies are a pleasant bunch, quite conservative and happy to stick to the rules. I guess that’s why they’ve allowed their country to be run by so called liberals for so long. When I was there it was the height of chav culture back in the UK. They simply didn’t exist in Holland

I can't take seriously a country who's most famous statue is of a boy having a piss.

Mind you, the beer is fucking delicious 

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On 23/11/2023 at 20:55, camberwell gypsy said:

Who gives s fuck about what the Dutch do? They can shove their Edam and tulips up their arse. Fuck "em.

Did you know the Dutch cross bred the original Persian carrots (that were white or purple) until they became Orange to honour Willem van Oranje... I'm sure @King Billy likes eating orange carrots as do I. As it's the festive season, I'll be sending 2 kilos to @PANZER MURPHY... One kilo for shoving up his arse the other kilo for cooking. Lol. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Did you know the Dutch cross bred the original Persian carrots (that were white or purple) until they became Orange to honour Willem van Oranje... I'm sure @King Billy likes eating orange carrots as do I. As it's the festive season, I'll be sending 2 kilos to @PANZER MURPHY... One kilo for shoving up his arse the other kilo for cooking. Lol. 

I wouldn’t eat Muslim carrots. The dirty bastards.

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