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Bianca Williams


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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

The baton wielding psycho was from my other post and it happened directly to me. And believe me that fucking witch was gonna use it.

As to my comment on the incident with the athletes, that copper's action was over the top to say the least, whether the footage was "heavily edited". 

Thing is, I don't believe you....or rather, without wanting to come off 'barrack room lawyer' what someone was 'gonna' do is tough to prove without other evidence and no examination of context, ditto our collective understanding of what actually happened to Ms Williams and her partner for the reasons I've outlined.

Stop and Search is clearly a divisive subject and I suggest (with zero knowledge of this tactic from a policing POV) something that needs to be undertaken with more care and attention than at present (how difficult would it have been to have done a PNC check on the Merc's numberplate during the chase, realised this was not a 'hot' car and belonged to international athletes who had been stopped, apparenty, many times before?).

I think loud cries for 'justice' and retribution against the police before the full facts are established is a crock of shit.

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9 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, up to a point, but I have had many run-ins with police whilst dealing with fox-hunters. The shortest time I had handcuffs on was literally twenty seconds when an inspector who knew me well rushed over, had me de-arrested and apologised profusely. That case is still in litigation stage but it well never go to court as the police will settle for five grand (incl costs). The money isn't the issue. The lawsuit will be on the copper's record for life.

I've noticed that the general public have become much better educated with regard to police misconduct in recent years. If a pig even looks at me now I immediately get my phone out and start filming because it more or less nullifies their old Section 5 public order chestnut which they've attempted to use against me in the past. I've had two bastards from the Met for unlawful arrest, A&B etc so far and a family member has a case ongoing with Kent police that they've already made a first offer on. There's nothing like watching the filth squirm.

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12 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Thing is, I don't believe you....or rather, without wanting to come off 'barrack room lawyer' what someone was 'gonna' do is tough to prove without other evidence and no examination of context, ditto our collective understanding of what actually happened to Ms Williams and her partner for the reasons I've outlined.

Stop and Search is clearly a divisive subject and I suggest (with zero knowledge of this tactic from a policing POV) something that needs to be undertaken with more care and attention than at present (how difficult would it have been to have done a PNC check on the Merc's numberplate during the chase, realised this was not a 'hot' car and belonged to international athletes who had been stopped, apparenty, many times before?).

I think loud cries for 'justice' and retribution against the police before the full facts are established is a crock of shit.

i. e. they were looking for a barney with police. If the little cow continues like this her generous commercial sponsors will quietly let her go. Her agent and Christie must be shitting buttons on a PR exercise. The thing is there are a LOT of really nice and reasonable youngsters in athletics who can easily replace them. So that's your LAST 60K motor darling. 

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Old bill are not anyone's friend. The fact they turn up to an event in a rainbow car and wear dildos on their head trying to pander and be friendly, is sending mixed message to the proles.

It is going to make them easy pickings for people to claim brutality when they show a bit of authority.

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28 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

i. e. they were looking for a barney with police. If the little cow continues like this her generous commercial sponsors will quietly let her go. Her agent and Christie must be shitting buttons on a PR exercise. The thing is there are a LOT of really nice and reasonable youngsters in athletics who can easily replace them. So that's your LAST 60K motor darling. 

i.e I said nothing of the sort.

If anything its best if everyone takes a big slurp of 'sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up' and waits for the facts to be established

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34 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Have you ever actually said anything apart from hurling abuse at other members? 

Get to fuck. And when you get there, fuck off even more.

Rancid cocked cretin.

I believe this was why he was banned for life by Admin yet is allowed to slither back in a do exactly the same.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

One of them had his baton drawn and was probably gonna smash the windows with it, when there's a baby in the car.

Babies shouldn’t be driving cars. And also there’s no mention of wether the baby had been drinking or not. Did they even breathalyse it? I reckon they got off light. If they had been white they wouldn’t have got such an easy ride.


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58 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

i.e I said nothing of the sort.

If anything its best if everyone takes a big slurp of 'sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up' and waits for the facts to be established

Which edition of the big black Guinness Book of Facts are you referring to shit face. Actually I think Guinness had an advertising slogan about "loving the black" or similar. Neutral Cunt. 

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Which edition of the big black Guinness Book of Facts are you referring to shit face. Actually I think Guinness had an advertising slogan about "loving the black" or similar. Neutral Cunt. 

Stand back everyone! There's a badass on the loose!


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Guest judgetwi
9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Bollox to that, from my own experience there are a sizeable minority of UK officers who regard themselves as public supervisors rather than the crown servants who swore an of oath of attestation before a Justice of the Peace. Whether by design or fault officers often misunderstand and conflate ss 163, 164 & 165 of the Road Traffic Act and s 5 of the Public Order Act.


8 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Yes, up to a point, but I have had many run-ins with police whilst dealing with fox-hunters. The shortest time I had handcuffs on was literally twenty seconds when an inspector who knew me well rushed over, had me de-arrested and apologised profusely. That case is still in litigation stage but it well never go to court as the police will settle for five grand (incl costs). The money isn't the issue. The lawsuit will be on the copper's record for life.


8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Totally agree. Those coppers acted like SS officers. One of them had his baton drawn and was probably gonna smash the windows with it, when there's a baby in the car. I've been pulled over for a non existent traffic offence with 2 young toddlers in the back screaming and police treated me in a condescending manner. "If you'd like to pop yourself in the back of my car and we'll sort this out". I told him I wasn't leaving my children. To this the female pig drew her baton and threatened me. To cut a long story short I challenged there accusation and said I'd contest it in court. It was dismissed before it got that far. But if that copper had tried to use that baton on me, I'd have been nicked for assault and battery on her. 

The police are out of control. The structure needs to be sorted out at the top. It needs chief officers who have done their time at the coal face and not fucking middle class university fast tracked bods.

I have to say that, if I were a copper, I would nick you two all day long and then make up something to charge you with. Some cunts just attract that sort of attention. “Wrong ‘uns” is the phrase used in common parlance I believe.

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20 minutes ago, judgetwi said:



I have to say that, if I were a copper, I would nick you two all day long and then make up something to charge you with. Some cunts just attract that sort of attention. “Wrong ‘uns” is the phrase used in common parlance I believe. 

My experience of coppers is that

A) if you are on the right side of the law 


B)B) if you act and speak with civility 

you are alright. If you behave like the quartet of Brit lads who were fined €1,000 each for sitting in a Malaga airport taxi, refusing to wear face masks, arguing with the driver, then arguing with the Spanish police, then 

YOU DESERVE EVERYTHING YOU GET AND TRY ON THE RACIST OR POLICE HEAVY HANDEDNESS EXCUSES OUT THERE AND YOU WILL GET EXTRA. The fact is popular and especially black culture has spewed out a generational generalised anti-police anti-authority and anti-social propaganda which has been motivated by greed and negative reasons rather than any political action. I dare say Bianca Williams and her darling come from that sewer. 

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Guest judgetwi

I see this Bianca bitch has received an apology from no less than Commissioner Strap-on herself. Never mind about apologies just fucking resign for fucks sake you useless cunt!

A fucking disgrace to the uniform.

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23 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I see this Bianca bitch has received an apology from no less than Commissioner Strap-on herself. Never mind about apologies just fucking resign for fucks sake you useless cunt!

A fucking disgrace to the uniform.

anyone who's got to the top of their profession with a surname like Dick's, must be as hard as nails Jewdy. 

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