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BBC shit scared lily-livered cunts


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I’ve just had my retinas singed by the sight of a (probably faked) picture allegedly of Huw Edwards showing his arse to a webcam. If it’s genuine he’s obviously toast. I’m afraid though it meets no legal standard, if he doesn’t issue a denial soon he’s already damned in the court of public opinion.

Thirty five fucking grand. 

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On 09/07/2023 at 16:58, Wolfie said:

Who's going to pay their licence fee now? 

You, obviously.

You were too fuckin' spineless to stop paying the last time they had a blow-up, you certainly ain't got the backbone for putting your money where your mouth is now.

Quit your righteous indignation, you're turning into @Decimus all bullshit and bluster.

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13 minutes ago, Zev said:

You, obviously.

You were too fuckin' spineless to stop paying the last time they had a blow-up, you certainly ain't got the backbone for putting your money where your mouth is now.

Quit your righteous indignation, you're turning into @Decimus all bullshit and bluster.

You seem more irate each day 'Zev'. Always stalking and swearing at the same characters on here and also making a right cunt of yourself... give it a rest. You're clearly a disturbed individual and I'm sure sniffing dogshit is not compatible with your medication, and clearly causing this angry behaviour. I know it'll be hard but you must give up the medication. Lol.

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Just now, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You seem more irate each day 'Zev'. Always stalking and swearing at the same characters on here and also making a right cunt of yourself... give it a rest. You're clearly a disturbed individual and I'm sure sniffing dogshit is not compatible with your medication, and clearly causing this angry behaviour. I know it'll be hard but you must give up the medication. Lol.

‘Medication time’. 
‘Yes Nurse Scatshit’.

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4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It’s compelling isn’t it. Now I know exactly what Denis Leary meant when he described how the first Gulf war made him feel..

”I sat and watched the whole fucking war live, nursing a six foot erection with a cheeseburger on top!”

I really fucking hope it’s Rylan Clarke. I know Lineker is more deserving, but Rylan’s far more likely to commit suicide. Which would be lovely.

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19 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:

Good to know Davie's taking the allegation "incredibly seriously" and not "a bit seriously," quite seriously" or "very seriously".  Or as a joke.

It's only taken him 51 days to suspend the 'star presenter' (yesterday), suggesting he may have allegedly communicated with this person to find a way to not let it escape White City studios, and carry on as normal. It appears as though neither took this family seriously.

Well done The Sun for going with it, and with a little 'crack cocaine' twist.    

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They’ve been paid off. It’ll all go away now. 
‘The Jacko Defence’

That’s a very cynical position to take Eric. Reuters happen to be one of the most widely respected news organisations on the planet. Surely you must have read about the recent investigation they did into the ancestors of the last six presidents (including Dementia Joe) specifically whether they were or are descended from ‘slave owners’? The findings of their investigation predictably singled out Donald J Trump (the biggest racist in the history of racism) and put him in a group of one and the other five together. 
You’re probably thinking ‘so what?, everyone knows Trump’s a racist scumbag so it’s obviously a genetic trait.

Hang on, what’s that? Donald J Trump is the only one of the six who isn’t descended from slave owners? The report for some strange reason hasn’t been picked up and run with by almost the entire fake news MSM, unlike most of Reuters offerings involving Donald Trump. I can’t think for the life of me why that is?

’Michael sweetie, take Donald out into the yard and give him a damn good whipping. He’s a been a very bad nigga today. That mothafucka been staring at your cock and hasn’t picked a goddam cotton bud all day’.

’Sho thing Barack darling. He sho is a bad orange nigga. The  Jerk chicken will keep until I get finished with his  sorry ass’.



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58 minutes ago, Mike Hunt said:


56 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

They’ve been paid off. It’ll all go away now. 
‘The Jacko Defence’

It's already gone too far. The public is gripped. It stinks of an attempted concealment by the BBC and possible legal compromise and/or financial settlement. This only adds fuel to the fire. This will become a whodunnit docu in years to come if it doesn't get solved with full disclosure.

The facts are the teen's parents made a complaint to the BBC about the behaviour of a well-known presenter, who they said was harming their child. The BBC didn't act on it. This 'household name' transferred £35k into this kid's bank account. He also made two panicked phone calls to this person when the story broke – so they must have known each other. This presenter has been investigated by police. These are realities which cannot be changed. There will be uproar if this thing isn't properly scrutinized, with the facts made public.

You can bet everyone at that leftie shitcunt HQ now knows who has been suspended. Presenters aside... sound engineers, cameramen, set designers, programme editors et al. might possibly make life difficult for him after his alleged manipulation of someone aged under 18. For these reasons, his days could well be numbered. I am confident he will soon be revealed.  

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie said:


It's already gone too far. The public is gripped. It already stinks of an attempted concealment by the BBC and possible legal compromise and/or financial settlement. This only adds fuel to the fire. This will become a whodunnit docu in years to come if it doesn't get solved with full disclosure.

The facts are the teen's parents made a complaint to the BBC about the behaviour of a well-known presenter, who they said was harming their child. The BBC didn't act on it. This 'household name' transferred £35k into this kid's bank account. He also made two panicked phone calls to this person when the story broke – so they must have known each other. This presenter has been investigated by police. These are realities which cannot be changed. There will be uproar if this thing isn't properly scrutinized, with the facts made public.

You can bet everyone at that leftie shitcunt HQ now knows who has been suspended. Presenters aside... sound engineers, cameramen, set designers, programme editors et al. will possibly loathe him for his alleged manipulation of someone aged under 18. For these reasons, his days could well be numbered. I am confident he will soon be revealed.  

I know it’s a bit unfair to judge someone by their given name… but Simon Groom must be in the running.

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25 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You can bet everyone at that leftie shitcunt HQ now knows who has been suspended. Presenters aside... sound engineers, cameramen, set designers, programme editors et al. might possibly make life difficult for him after his alleged manipulation of someone aged under 18. For these reasons, his days could well be numbered. I am confident he will soon be revealed.  

Thankfully most normal people still abhor the sexual abuse of children, so I suspect and hope that you're correct. 

However, as for the upper echelons of Aunty, plus a select group of middle class wokies who endorse every sexual deviancy under the sun, they're already coming out and defending the beast with such comments as "It was consensual", "17 is not a child."

I wonder if the liberal Hooray Henrys would still be waving their P.I.E. flags so fervently if it was their 17 year old "man" or "woman" (not child, remember) who was groomed and bribed into getting their genitalia out for the gratification of a millionaire pervert five decades older than them?

If this cunt isn't going to get locked up for committing a crime, and some thick cunts are actually that dense that they believe no law has been broken, then he at least needs to be exposed for what he is.

Cue @Carl Sway and @Zev popping along to defend this sick cunt's antics.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thankfully most normal people still abhor the sexual abuse of children, so I suspect and hope that you're correct. 

However, as for the upper echelons of Aunty, plus a select group of middle class wokies who endorse every sexual deviancy under the sun, they're already coming out and defending the beast with such comments as "It was consensual", "17 is not a child."

I wonder if the liberal Hooray Henrys would still be waving their P.I.E. flags so fervently if it was their 17 year old "man" or "woman" (not child, remember) who was groomed and bribed into getting their genitalia out for the gratification of a millionaire pervert five decades older than them?

If this cunt isn't going to get locked up for committing a crime, and some thick cunts are actually that dense that they believe no law has been broken, then he at least needs to be exposed for what he is.

Cue @Carl Sway and @Zev popping along to defend this sick cunt's antics.

It’s amazing that the sun is championing this story, despite paying and publishing topless photos of a sixteen year old child (Sam fox) 


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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thankfully most normal people still abhor the sexual abuse of children, so I suspect and hope that you're correct. 

However, as for the upper echelons of Aunty, plus a select group of middle class wokies who endorse every sexual deviancy under the sun, they're already coming out and defending the beast with such comments as "It was consensual", "17 is not a child."

I wonder if the liberal Hooray Henrys would still be waving their P.I.E. flags so fervently if it was their 17 year old "man" or "woman" (not child, remember) who was groomed and bribed into getting their genitalia out for the gratification of a millionaire pervert five decades older than them?

If this cunt isn't going to get locked up for committing a crime, and some thick cunts are actually that dense that they believe no law has been broken, then he at least needs to be exposed for what he is.

Cue @Carl Sway and @Zev popping along to defend this sick cunt's antics.

It’s how gay people think. To most of them, 17 is practically decrepit. 

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18 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Thankfully most normal people still abhor the sexual abuse of children, so I suspect and hope that you're correct. 

However, as for the upper echelons of Aunty, plus a select group of middle class wokies who endorse every sexual deviancy under the sun, they're already coming out and defending the beast with such comments as "It was consensual", "17 is not a child."

I wonder if the liberal Hooray Henrys would still be waving their P.I.E. flags so fervently if it was their 17 year old "man" or "woman" (not child, remember) who was groomed and bribed into getting their genitalia out for the gratification of a millionaire pervert five decades older than them?

If this cunt isn't going to get locked up for committing a crime, and some thick cunts are actually that dense that they believe no law has been broken, then he at least needs to be exposed for what he is.

Cue @Carl Sway and @Zev popping along to defend this sick cunt's antics.

If this cunt isn't exposed, few people are going to want to continue to line the pockets of a mystery pervert presenter at the BBC through licence fees. It might be less harmful if they actually divulge his identity. Either way, this is harming them. I'm loving it.

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