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Calls For Northern Independence


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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Perhaps there was a troop of red-faced shouty monkeys who decided to cast off the shackles of the forest hierarchy and make a new life in the Sea, ignoring the warnings of many that they would quickly sink, be swallowed by sea monsters, or be dragged out on the tide. You don’t tend to hear much about what happened to them, do you? 

The very definition of "survival of the fittest". The operative question, though, is fit for what?

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10 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Have you ever been to Norwich?

So am i. Third generation Irish whose forebears had the sense to leave the godforsaken bogs of the emerald Isle. My grandfather fought in WW2 and was part of the British expeditionary force, and was completely uninterested in Irish politics. The North ends just above the North Midlands. So I suggest you spend your endless free time consulting the above map... 

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20 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The best you can do for defining the south is to draw a line across England from Cheltenham to Colchester .. Norfolk and Norwich is well North of that line.

Hardly, you thick fucking cunt, if you drew a line that low down most of the country would be north of that line. You don't define the north of Italy as everything above Pisa, and you don't define the south of France as everything below Arles. It's not exactly a hard concept for most people to get their heads around, you find the mid point of the longest  north south axis and you draw a horizontal line. You don't draw one that cuts the country into 25% and 75% unequal shares.

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25 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

A cartographer would say otherwise I’m afraid, like it or not. Personally, I couldn’t give a fuck but it’s hilarious watching our ‘leader’ going apoplectic at the very suggestion that Norwich isn’t ‘southern’...which it clearly isn’t.

It clearly is, as nobody but you and the desperate childless and friendless tranny who has latched onto you consider it to be northern.

As for any "cartographer" placing Norfolk in the north east, the only way that would happen is if they were drawing a map stood on their fucking head whilst out of their mind on smack. 

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Hardly, you thick fucking cunt, if you drew a line that low down most of the country would be north of that line. You don't define the north of Italy as everything above Pisa, and you don't define the south of France as everything below Arles. It's not exactly a hard concept for most people to get their heads around, you find the mid point of the longest  north south axis and you draw a horizontal line. You don't draw one that cuts the country into 25% and 75% unequal shares.

Norwich is a drive your geese to market kind of place. Oswestry without the Welsh.

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It clearly is, as nobody but you and the desperate childless and friendless tranny who has latched onto you consider it to be northern.

As for any "cartographer" placing Norfolk in the north east, the only way that would happen is if they were drawing a map stood on their fucking head whilst out of their head on smack. 

Sale of the Century was a British game show based on a US game show of the same name. It was first shown on ITV from 9 October 1971 to 6 November 1983, hosted by Nicholas Parsons. Special Celebrity Sale of the Century editions aired occasionally, starting on 2 January 1981 with Steve Jones as host.

The first series was aired only in the Anglia region, but it rolled out to other regions by 8 January 1972 and achieved full national coverage by 10 May 1975, at which point it was one of the most popular shows on the network – spawning the often-mocked introductory phrase "And now, from Norwich, it's the quiz of the week". Since Norwich was considered a backwater compared to London, it was often used ironically.

Edited by Dawn Chorus
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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Are you fucking stupid? Don't answer that, it may as well be a rhetorical question as it's apparent that you are.

I've never heard so much fucking shit during my time on here, Norfolk is the southern part of the North East? Have you ever seen a compass, or a map of the country, you thick fucking cunt?

As for banging on about longitude and latitude like some syphilis addled nautical wanker, if your spazzy little hands are capable of holding a pencil and ruler, work out the mid-point of the longest north to south axis in England, you'll find it's Morton in Derbyshire. Anything north of that (that's up on the map by the way), is north, and anything south of it (that's down on a map) is the south. 

As for there being a cultural difference between the north and the south, do your own fucking research. There are thousands of articles that talk about the north/south divide and what it entails. Coincidentally, you'll find that Norfolk isn't included as part of the north in any of them, mainly because they were written by people clever enough to understand how to interpret a fucking map.

Jesus wept, Pen and yourself are both living up to the stereotypes of your fellow northern scum, mainly being pig fucking ignorant and thick as fucking shit.


The "North-South" divide clearly has less to do with geography than it does with cultural and economic differences. 

Those above the line earn barely enough to keep themselves in roll ups and whippet food. They drive 15 year old uninsured cars without valid MOTs and rely on handouts from the south to feed their children with chicken nuggets. They are typically barely literate and those that attained 4 GCSEs above a grade E are ostracised for being smart arse bastards. 

On average they take a bath less once a week and they are considered affluent if their gas or electric supplies haven't been cut off and they can afford to heat the water in said bath.

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23 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It clearly is, as nobody but you and the desperate childless and friendless tranny who has latched onto you consider it to be northern.

As for any "cartographer" placing Norfolk in the north east, the only way that would happen is if they were drawing a map stood on their fucking head whilst out of their mind on smack. 

Would that make his work a ‘comical’ projection? Howay-man Deco, you little sub-Geordie you.

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34 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The very definition of "survival of the fittest". The operative question, though, is fit for what?

As long as we are trading cliches, how about “history is written by the victors”? Until the Darwin awards no one ever recorded the stupid or fatal decisions people made as they set out bravely thinking they knew best. We surely should not confuse the desire to avoid a bad decision with being timidly incapable of making any decision. 

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40 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It clearly is, as nobody but you and the desperate childless and friendless tranny who has latched onto you consider it to be northern.

As for any "cartographer" placing Norfolk in the north east, the only way that would happen is if they were drawing a map stood on their fucking head whilst out of their mind on smack. 

I thought the generally accepted definition was a line roughly from the Bristol Channel to The Wash. Norfolk is thus firmly in The South, with the possible exception of King’s Lynn which always seemed to me on my rare visits to be trying to establish itself as some sort of poverty safari park for Cambridge types in Audis. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I thought the generally accepted definition was a line roughly from the Bristol Channel to The Wash. Norfolk is thus firmly in The South, with the possible exception of King’s Lynn which always seemed to me on my rare visits to be trying to establish itself as some sort of poverty safari park for Cambridge types in Audis. 

Indeed. In fact, the only definition that doesn't include Norfolk in the southern region is the bullshit one made up on the spot by DC and that mad old bat Tootsie. 

Next week on The Terrain, Toponymy and Tranny show, Pen and "her" sidekick will take us on a Hygge-fuelled tour of that marvellous Scandinavian country, Portugal.

Fucking pair of stupid cunts.

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1 hour ago, Goober said:

The "North-South" divide clearly has less to do with geography than it does with cultural and economic differences. 

Those above the line earn barely enough to keep themselves in roll ups and whippet food. They drive 15 year old uninsured cars without valid MOTs and rely on handouts from the south to feed their children with chicken nuggets. They are typically barely literate and those that attained 4 GCSEs above a grade E are ostracised for being smart arse bastards. 

On average they take a bath less once a week and they are considered affluent if their gas or electric supplies haven't been cut off and they can afford to heat the water in said bath.

I’m sure the residents of AlderleyEdge, Caldy, Prestbury, Lytham, Darras Hall, Ponteland etc, etc, as well as the Dukes of Northumberland and my old dead mate, Gerald, Duke of Westminster would cackle into their Krüg and Beluga at your précis here. Fuck off....’appen!

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. In fact, the only definition that doesn't include Norfolk in the southern region is the bullshit one made up on the spot by DC and that mad old bat Tootsie. 

Next week on The Terrain, Toponymy and Tranny show, Pen and "her" sidekick will take us on a Hygge-fuelled tour of that marvellous Scandinavian country, Portugal.

Fucking pair of stupid cunts.

You canny argue with a cartographer or latitude Deco, Bonny-lad. You’re undoubtedly in the north, in fact, in the north-east sector. So, howay to fuck and get that little fishy on that little dishy cooked ya damp gadgy.

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2 hours ago, Goober said:

The "North-South" divide clearly has less to do with geography than it does with cultural and economic differences. 

Those above the line earn barely enough to keep themselves in roll ups and whippet food. They drive 15 year old uninsured cars without valid MOTs and rely on handouts from the south to feed their children with chicken nuggets. They are typically barely literate and those that attained 4 GCSEs above a grade E are ostracised for being smart arse bastards. 

On average they take a bath less once a week and they are considered affluent if their gas or electric supplies haven't been cut off and they can afford to heat the water in said bath.

The 15 year old uninsured cars is very typical of Norfuck in general .. it is very much a backwater filled with chavs who also often drive around in old Peugot vans with stinking mattresses in the back.

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29 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. In fact, the only definition that doesn't include Norfolk in the southern region is the bullshit one made up on the spot by DC and that mad old bat Tootsie. 

Next week on The Terrain, Toponymy and Tranny show, Pen and "her" sidekick will take us on a Hygge-fuelled tour of that marvellous Scandinavian country, Portugal.

Fucking pair of stupid cunts.

LIke Trump you will have to concede at some point.

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14 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The 15 year old uninsured cars is very typical of Norfuck in general .. it is very much a backwater filled with chavs who also often drive around in old Peugot vans with stinking mattresses in the back.

With bloodstains on ‘em lass, diven’t ferget the bloodstains like.

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38 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The 15 year old uninsured cars is very typical of Norfuck in general .. it is very much a backwater filled with chavs who also often drive around in old Peugot vans with stinking mattresses in the back.

Bedford Rascals, to be precise. 

Reverting to type today, Pen? 

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The 15 year old uninsured cars is very typical of Norfuck in general .. it is very much a backwater filled with chavs who also often drive around in old Peugot vans with stinking mattresses in the back.

How's the mustache coming along this Movember, Pen?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. In fact, the only definition that doesn't include Norfolk in the southern region is the bullshit one made up on the spot by DC and that mad old bat Tootsie. 

Next week on The Terrain, Toponymy and Tranny show, Pen and "her" sidekick will take us on a Hygge-fuelled tour of that marvellous Scandinavian country, Portugal.

Fucking pair of stupid cunts.

They both have the initials 'DC'...

Directionally Confused?

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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

LIke Trump you will have to concede at some point.

With tedious predictability, the site's saddest and loneliest specimen has desperately tried to align itself with the current whipping boy. A routine so fucking tired that it makes Frank look aquafresh. 

Nobody wants to be associated with you, Pen, young DC like many others before him has found himself in the unenviable position of you being the only member willing to give him the time of day. If his stock raises around here he'll do what everyone else does, drop you like a stone and start calling you a vile, sinister, Norman Batesesque, crossdressing monstrosity.

You're not wanted here. Take your dubious grasp of geography and fuck off to some tranny train spotters community forum.

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2 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The 15 year old uninsured cars is very typical of Norfuck in general .. it is very much a backwater filled with chavs who also often drive around in old Peugot vans with stinking mattresses in the back.

Fuck off,its a VW

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