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Memo to Matt Hancock

King Billy

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Dear Mr Hancock

You are not a ‘celebrity’. You are an autistic swivel eyed cunt who should be, and hopefully soon will be locked up for a very long time for your actions as Health Secretary, which caused thousands of people to die unnecessarily, destroyed the future for millions of school children, criminalised thousands of normally law abiding people for daring to disobey your tyrannical policies and all the while you were hanging out the back of some posh slag while your wife and kids were locked down at home, foolishly thinking that you were doing all this to them and the rest of the population to save us all from certain death.

Fucking odious little rat. 

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Dear Mr Hancock

You are not a ‘celebrity’. You are an autistic swivel eyed cunt who should be, and hopefully soon will be locked up for a very long time for your actions as Health Secretary, which caused thousands of people to die unnecessarily, destroyed the future for millions of school children, criminalised thousands of normally law abiding people for daring to disobey your tyrannical policies and all the while you were hanging out the back of some posh slag while your wife and kids were locked down at home, foolishly thinking that you were doing all this to them and the rest of the population to save us all from certain death.

Fucking odious little rat. 

I hate the term "Covid baby" because it's something that I associate with compliant, brain dead Mumsnet types. Regardless of that, my daughter was one by widespread definition.

Whilst she had the benefit of being born in a home where she could be semi-socialised because of her two brothers, she has and continues to struggle with her interpersonal skills because during her formative years we were unable to mix her with other children at regular playgroups and activities.

And for what? Who has benefited by depriving a generation of children important experiences that would have set them on the path to a well adjusted adulthood? Terminally ill 90 year olds who would have been dead within weeks anyway?

I'll never forgive our government for what it did, and I hope Hancock gets bitten on his dirty, philandering cock by something horrendously venomous.

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Hopefully he and that Moyles cunt will plunge from a very high rope bridge during some ludicrous jungle game. I did originally say 'to their deaths' but that is a bit strong.  But let's just say, I'd like to see Hancock's head on a big "fuck off" spike on London Bridge with the rest of the traitorous cunts who fucked the british public over for the past couple of years


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I hate the term "Covid baby" because it's something that I associate with compliant, brain dead Mumsnet types. Regardless of that, my daughter was one by widespread definition.

Whilst she had the benefit of being born in a home where she could be semi-socialised because of her two brothers, she has and continues to struggle with her interpersonal skills because during her formative years we were unable to mix her with other children at regular playgroups and activities.

And for what? Who has benefited by depriving a generation of children important experiences that would have set them on the path to a well adjusted adulthood? Terminally ill 90 year olds who would have been dead within weeks anyway?

I'll never forgive our government for what it did, and I hope Hancock gets bitten on his dirty, philandering cock by something horrendously venomous.

A certainty if Frank is on holiday there.

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Matt Hancock is an utter cunt, but I have to give him credit for enabling his cheating (eating out-side the marital home, to help out. Lol) on his Mrs, knowing she was at home following the 'rules' he pushed on the public. I bet he gave his then bit on the side one in the toilets of Number 10 during the infamous party gate, whilst possibly sniffing coke off her arse... What a fucking rock star, and a sneaky cunt. Lol.

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The vaccine-supporting, lockdown-advocating, vaccine passport-creating toad's toad, Matt-the-prat Handcock – the same man who threatened prison sentences of up to 10 years for people entering the UK caught lying about journeys from covid hotspots, a sentence higher than for some child sex abuse offences at the time.

How the fuck this lifeless, lying, wife-cheating gopher graduated from Oxford & Cambridge remains a mystery. Making even more of a buffoon of himself by announcing he's to appear on I'm a Celeb, leading to a Conservative Party suspension, is a measure of the idiot we've always known. 

What an absolute nuclear-grade fucking dickhead who needlessly assisted with changing the lives of so many, especially those unable to be with loved ones in hospitals at their time of death. And minimal, bare, restricted funerals. Not only did he break the same rules he created, doing it in the worst possible way (and most hurtful to his wife & kids), the man who gave him the power to act like a puppet on behalf of the pharmaceutical giants was partying in the garden at No.10.

You just know Handcock was last to be picked for football/rugby at school, the weedy, disgraceful, untrustworthy little runt. To consider himself a 'celebrity' is arrogant enough, though to believe his Oxbridge/MP's status (and money he'll be getting paid) can override the ignominy of an already rock-bottom public profile makes me think he's got a screw loose. What a colossal, deluded fucking prick. I genuinely hope he exits the show with one testicle.         

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Hopefully he and that Moyles cunt will plunge from a very high rope bridge during some ludicrous jungle game. I did originally say 'to their deaths' but that is a bit strong.  But let's just say, I'd like to see Hancock's head on a big "fuck off" spike on London Bridge with the rest of the traitorous cunts who fucked the british public over for the past couple of years


I couldn't agree more.

I generally advise others to avoid divulging personal info on this site, but I will break my own rules.

My now 20-year-old Son, decided he wanted to take this fucking mRNA junk. He knew my stance on it, I advised him not to do it. There was absolutely no clinical indication for him to do so. He was worried about being excluded from university or his life being made difficult if he didn't have it. 

He had his first pfizer dose with nothing more than a sore arm. Within 24 hours of his second dose, he developed pains in his chest. Initially I thought it could be psychosomatic or muscular skeletal as he likes his gym workout. 

Unfortunately, he had pericarditis. He was short of breath and had decreased exercise tolerance for over 3 months. The ineptitude of the medical profession also boils my piss. The cardiologist, which he saw privately, gave the ridiculous advice of not having the pfizer for the third dose, but have moderna instead. He didn't realise the moderna dose is three times higher than the pfizer when I pointed this out to him. He still would not commit himself to advising not to take any more of the fucking shit. A totally ill-informed money grabbing bastard.

I have never committed a criminal offence, and I still work in a position of trust. My politics is always left at the door when I attend work. I always do my best for the people I come into contact with, irrespective of who they are. But without doubt, if I ever encounter Hancock, Zahawi or Javid I will do my best to physically assault them.

I can never forgive or forget what these cunts have done.

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27 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I don't know which part of Australia he is going to for this Z-list bollocks for the braindead, but I hope he gets eaten wholesale by a crocodile.

Hopefully Australia will close its borders again, 5 minutes after his plane lands. 2 years they were closed for Covid and with any luck that was just a rehearsal for the main event. He could rent LCS’s spare room  and they could spend the rest of their days reminiscing about their NHS glory days.

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3 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I couldn't agree more.

I generally advise others to avoid divulging personal info on this site, but I will break my own rules.

My now 20-year-old Son, decided he wanted to take this fucking mRNA junk. He knew my stance on it, I advised him not to do it. There was absolutely no clinical indication for him to do so. He was worried about being excluded from university or his life being made difficult if he didn't have it. 

He had his first pfizer dose with nothing more than a sore arm. Within 24 hours of his second dose, he developed pains in his chest. Initially I thought it could be psychosomatic or muscular skeletal as he likes his gym workout. 

Unfortunately, he had pericarditis. He was short of breath and had decreased exercise tolerance for over 3 months. The ineptitude of the medical profession also boils my piss. The cardiologist, which he saw privately, gave the ridiculous advice of not having the pfizer for the third dose, but have moderna instead. He didn't realise the moderna dose is three times higher than the pfizer when I pointed this out to him. He still would not commit himself to advising not to take any more of the fucking shit. A totally ill-informed money grabbing bastard.

I have never committed a criminal offence, and I still work in a position of trust. My politics is always left at the door when I attend work. I always do my best for the people I come into contact with, irrespective of who they are. But without doubt, if I ever encounter Hancock, Zahawi or Javid I will do my best to physically assault them.

I can never forgive or forget what these cunts have done.


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59 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I couldn't agree more.

I generally advise others to avoid divulging personal info on this site, but I will break my own rules.

My now 20-year-old Son, decided he wanted to take this fucking mRNA junk. He knew my stance on it, I advised him not to do it. There was absolutely no clinical indication for him to do so. He was worried about being excluded from university or his life being made difficult if he didn't have it. 

He had his first pfizer dose with nothing more than a sore arm. Within 24 hours of his second dose, he developed pains in his chest. Initially I thought it could be psychosomatic or muscular skeletal as he likes his gym workout. 

Unfortunately, he had pericarditis. He was short of breath and had decreased exercise tolerance for over 3 months. The ineptitude of the medical profession also boils my piss. The cardiologist, which he saw privately, gave the ridiculous advice of not having the pfizer for the third dose, but have moderna instead. He didn't realise the moderna dose is three times higher than the pfizer when I pointed this out to him. He still would not commit himself to advising not to take any more of the fucking shit. A totally ill-informed money grabbing bastard.

I have never committed a criminal offence, and I still work in a position of trust. My politics is always left at the door when I attend work. I always do my best for the people I come into contact with, irrespective of who they are. But without doubt, if I ever encounter Hancock, Zahawi or Javid I will do my best to physically assault them.

I can never forgive or forget what these cunts have done.

I’m sorry to hear this. My 22year old, and all of his Uni mates have all refused to have it. As I stated in the early days of this jab palaver, they purchased blag vaccines certificates and travelled around Europe all summer and have had no hassle anywhere. But then again, maybe I’m a fucking liar because Roops insisted that blag vaccines passports couldn’t possibly be purchased. Well, they can and were as Bill originally stated. No retraction from the Cuntess was forthcoming, needless to say. I hope your lad makes a speedy recovery.

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As much as i despise Boy George I hope that live on TV he rips Hancock a new arsehole,both physically and metaphorically. You just know the public will make the cunt do every trial but I reckon he will probably bottle going in there all together. 

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I'm having a bet that he'll last only slightly longer than that other fucking waste of carbon, skin and lard, Gemma Collins. If Gemma Collins and Fwank were standing in front of me and I only had one bullet, me and Fwank would be going for drink in the nearest bar. I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag.

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15 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm having a bet that he'll last only slightly longer than that other fucking waste of carbon, skin and lard, Gemma Collins. If Gemma Collins and Fwank were standing in front of me and I only had one bullet, me and Fwank would be going for drink in the nearest bar. I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag.

You'd have wished that you turned the gun on yourself after you wake up face down on Frank's bed the morning after, with an arsehole resembling the Blackwall tunnel and a mouth full of shit.

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17 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm having a bet that he'll last only slightly longer than that other fucking waste of carbon, skin and lard, Gemma Collins. If Gemma Collins and Fwank were standing in front of me and I only had one bullet, me and Fwank would be going for drink in the nearest bar. I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag.

S&W .357 will easily penetrate 2 skulls. You would probably have to wait until she tried to eat him, to get their heads lined up.

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I'm having a bet that he'll last only slightly longer than that other fucking waste of carbon, skin and lard, Gemma Collins. If Gemma Collins and Fwank were standing in front of me and I only had one bullet, me and Fwank would be going for drink in the nearest bar. I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag.

I fucking detest the useless, fat fucking slag

That was what my dad said about Diana Dors 

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

As much as i despise Boy George I hope that live on TV he rips Hancock a new arsehole,both physically and metaphorically. You just know the public will make the cunt do every trial but I reckon he will probably bottle going in there all together. 

Decs is right, I won’t hear a word against boy George or patsy palmer, back the fuck off Neil. 

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