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The Conspiracy The Bacofoil Brigade Don't Like To Talk About

Mrs Roops

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.



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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.


Well it's not a Great Tit. That's Frank, that is.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.



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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, the dreaded datasets, hated by some conspiracy theorists as they look at the greater picture. That is not to say individuals do not have an agonising story to share but IMO the Mark Steyn approach of cherry-picking, ambulance chasing and drawing baseless conclusions from same is simply evil and wholly irresponsible when one considers that nearly a year ago some 142 million doses of an allegedly "untried, untested and experimental" vaccine have been administered in the UK alone.

As for you last sentence, this has galvanised me into thinking about my relationship with The Corner (amongst other things) something I've been minded about for a few months. Here's a clue.


If the data is anything like Pfizer’s trial, people removed due to adverse events etc, then it is horseshit.

Just because billions of doses have been administered through inducements and coercion, it doesn’t imply a safe profile. 



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Double standards prevailed throughout the entire pandemic, it was always a case of do as I say, not what I do.

The final nail in the vaccine safety and efficacy argument will be when it transpires that most of these lying cunts never took the "medicine" that they forced on millions of people via threats, cajoling and scaremongering. 

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57 minutes ago, Decimus said:



Double standards prevailed throughout the entire pandemic, it was always a case of do as I say, not what I do.

The final nail in the vaccine safety and efficacy argument will be when it transpires that most of these lying cunts never took the "medicine" that they forced on millions of people via threats, cajoling and scaremongering. 

I said at the time, that Boris’s televised vaccination was nothing but a publicity stunt. The fucking imbecile, sat there gurning like a constipated walrus, trying to do a Churchill, ‘man of steel’ face, while some gormless, bemasked NHS gimp jabs him with saline flush.

 Of all the scum responsible for the entire Covid Conspiracy, this inbred fucking halfwit is the one I’d like to see cast into a dungeon and given nothing to eat but freshly shat tapeworms.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


More double standards...and you can whistle Dixie on the last word accusation, usually espoused by last word merchants who can't provide a valid argument. 

It would appear that the experimental ‘popularity vaccine’ you’ve taken is very effective indeed. No need for a booster.


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On 10/04/2023 at 14:46, Mrs Roops said:

Young stallion? Get away, you write like any other middle-aged Corner fart with an expired yet unopened blister pack of blue pills in his back pocket.

Colour me incredulous but isn't your own POV equally intractable? Sounds like double standards to me.

Anyway what "anti/pro vaccination debate" nomination are you referring to? Blithering idiot.

It’s time to fill in another yellow card and this time add confused delusional rambling to the list of symptoms. Get Well Soon. 😰

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9 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I have actually been kept alive and fairly health for the last 25 years by shoveling a load of pills down my throat every day. If most people took some of those pills they would be dead within a day.

Try shovelling a load more down past your enormous Adams Apple tomorrow please so no one has to endure your boring nonsense ever again.

Fuck off.

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8 hours ago, Penny Farthing said:

I was listening to a woman whimpering in the cafe last week .. she had been done by the police for having two defective tyres on her car. The irony was that she said that she had been on the way to the garage to get her tyres checked, I asked her if she had not thought of checking the tyres for herself .. she replied that she had not got time to do that sort of thing.

Bullshit, never happened.

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Bullshit, never happened.

I actually lost consciousness a couple of times while reading the fascinating, completely fictitious tyre story, and it got me thinking. Sometimes a general anaesthetic for surgery isn’t possible, due to the risk it presents to the patient. However, Pen is well capable of anaesthetising anyone, using only the power of dull, uninteresting tedium. With enough material to drone on about, even lengthy procedures like heart transplants could be performed without powerful and potentially dangerous drugs. 

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On 10/04/2023 at 19:02, Eric Cuntman said:

I weigh 42 stone, never bathe and haven’t left the house for 2 and a half years.

All those geniuses who said you’d never succeed must be feeling very fucking stupid now Eric. Fucking stupid fucking cunts. Way to go.

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Is that what it is? I've never been one to get my petticoats aflutter looking at sky rats.

Reckon she's "flying south"? This could be my opportunity to claim a spot as a moderator...

I don’t fucking think so pal. The old bats been pestering me for years about becoming a mod (a fucking good one mind) but this would require reading every bastard word of her inane conversations (arguments) with the deranged ulster cunt. After that shite, I’d then have to put aside 3 hours a day to read pens binge posting about her stupid fucking eyes, lack of children and massive cock.

Come to think of it, it’s all yours.

As for old misery guts blue tit picture metaphor (it’s eating the pollen on those willow buds, an important food source this time of year), I guess the pennies finally dropped and she’s realised life is for living and appreciating, not trying in vain to referee a bunch of fuckwits. She’ll be missed.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

It would appear that the experimental ‘popularity vaccine’ you’ve taken is very effective indeed. No need for a booster.

Indeed, by curious coincidence the vaccine was from by the very same outfit who developed the gene therapy to treat your chronic gullibility problem, Muggsy. Clearly the pharma industry has failed us both...

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