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Margaret Ferrier MP SNP cunt

Earl of Punkape

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3 minutes ago, Rev said:

Unfortunately, the non-nationalist parties are so deeply divided, that the fucking SNP may get back in next May. They took power with 22% of the vote in 2007.


Problem is no cunts are worthy of a vote at the moment. Anywhere.

Personally I think we should just refine the lot of them into a protein rich paste that we can feed to the thousands of illegal immigrants they're letting in as we ship them back over the channel. Replace them with those Furby things that were all the rage a few years ago - no one would notice as long as they wear suits.

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1 minute ago, Rev said:

Unfortunately, the non-nationalist parties are so deeply divided, that the fucking SNP may get back in next May. They took power with 22% of the vote in 2007.


The problem stems from the fact that Scottish Labour is now riddled with hardcore trots and haven't got a fucking prayer of getting back the centre ground voters that are voting SNP simply because they won't vote Tory out of principle. The Lib Dems haven't got any political talent left up there so what is the alternative?

I despise George Galloway's politics but he's proven in the past that he can fight an effective campaign on single issues and he knows how to get under the skin of the SNP. The other parties should be putting their differences aside and sitting down with him to put a strategy together if they're really serious about preserving the union because if Gnasher Sturgeon gets a majority in May, Boris is going to find it difficult justifying a refusal to issue a Section 30.

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15 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I know you can always get an opinion poll to divvy up the result you want. On the other hand Sturgeon has stood her ground whereas for large chunks of time Johnson appears to be having his wires overhauled by Cummings. 

The only thing Sturgeon has done is wait for the UK government to produce its latest covid measures and makes a few slight alterations to them, then holds a press briefing where she passes it all off as her own ideas and turns it into a party political broadcast.

What Johnson should have done when it became apparent that the chinky flu was going to turn into a pandemic was suspend powers on health given to the devolved assemblies and appoint Jeremy Hunt to co-ordinate a nationwide response as opposed to the Punch and Judy show that we're in at the moment.

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43 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The whole communist bullshit is bollocks so don't act so innocent. 

Her political leanings are steeped in "Marxism-lite". She may even have publicly admitted as much at some point. It'll certainly be the primary and singular reason why she's taken her political party as hard-left as a vast swathe of her own membership can currently stomach.

If you're going to present an argument, try and do a bit of research first before typing. It saves you public humiliation and temporarily stops you looking a bit thick.

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1 minute ago, Rev said:

Her political leanings are steeped in "Marxism-lite". She may even have admitted as much at some point. It'll certainly be the primary and singular reason why she's taken her political party as hard-left as a vast swathe of her own membership can currently stomach.

If you're going to present an argument, try and do a bit of research first before typing. It saves you public humiliation and temporarily stops you looking a bit thick.

Or preferably don’t type anything, and fucking kill yourself instead. 

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14 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

The only thing Sturgeon has done is wait for the UK government to produce its latest covid measures and makes a few slight alterations to them, then holds a press briefing where she passes it all off as her own ideas and turns it into a party political broadcast.

What Johnson should have done when it became apparent that the chinky flu was going to turn into a pandemic was suspend powers on health given to the devolved assemblies and appoint Jeremy Hunt to co-ordinate a nationwide response as opposed to the Punch and Judy show that we're in at the moment.

The Achilles heel of your argument is "co-ordinate". Especially from a Mother Hubbard party who has left large sections of our people living either in poverty or on the edge as with the fucking discgrace of our elderly care homes now collapsing. Run as a fucking cinder e Jolla service while mouthing Land of Hope and Glory and observing a two minute silence at the Cenotaoh. Two faced fucking cunts the lot of them. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
11 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Achilles heel of your argument is "co-ordinate". Especially from a Mother Hubbard party who has left large sections of our people living either in poverty or on the edge as with the fucking discgrace of our elderly care homes now collapsing. Run as a fucking cinder e Jolla service while mouthing Land of Hope and Glory and observing a two minute silence at the Cenotaoh. Two faced fucking cunts the lot of them. 

What in tarnation is a " cinder e Jolla service" ?

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16 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The Achilles heel of your argument is "co-ordinate". Especially from a Mother Hubbard party who has left large sections of our people living either in poverty or on the edge as with the fucking discgrace of our elderly care homes now collapsing. Run as a fucking cinder e Jolla service while mouthing Land of Hope and Glory and observing a two minute silence at the Cenotaoh. Two faced fucking cunts the lot of them. 

Can you at least make a token attempt at punctuation and grammar before posting. Then again, don't bother. You're so full of shit I can't be bothered reading them anymore.

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28 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:



H.G. Wells and Jules Verne should be mandatory reading for 5-10 year olds. People who don't read them as children inevitably grow up to be intolerable fucking spastics. 

Pierre Boulle tried to warn us about this BLM shit in the 60s as well.

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

H.G. Wells and Jules Verne should be mandatory reading for 5-10 year olds. People who don't read them as children inevitably grow up to be intolerable fucking spastics. 

Pierre Boulle tried to warn us about this BLM shit in the 60s as well.

Boulle also wrote the Bridge on the River Kwai. My grandad hated the cunt.

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Oh yes. Also known as 'Pétanque' or... 'Faggot Beach Billiards'.

Although in fairness it's positively manly in comparison with crown green bowling. Both games require that certain limpness in the wrist.

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