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Gary O' Donoghue

Trucking Funt

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4 minutes ago, Earl of Punkape said:

Where on earth have you been hiding?

A short spell in Rampton I suspect...

Fuck off as well.

Dex is the one and only cleaner at Cranswick Foods in Watton and his slovenly attitude to his work is not dissimilar to his posting on here, hence Cranswick Foods and the whole of Watton are trying to battle the mother of all Covid outbreaks because of his dire performance. In summary, normal service has been resumed.

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10 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Dex is the one and only cleaner at Cranswick Foods in Watton and his slovenly attitude to his work is not dissimilar to his posting on here, hence Cranswick Foods and the whole of Watton are trying to battle the mother of all Covid outbreaks because of his dire performance. In summary, normal service has been resumed.

What's your take on the situation in Norfolk, Drew? As a cunt who ticks all the vulnerability boxes necessary for shielding, I imagine that you haven't left the bungalow since March, but still get the EDP delivered each morning along with your four pack of spesh and 20 Royals. 

Did you see the rainbow flag dedication to Fashanu in the stands at Carrow Road? 

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1 hour ago, nocti said:

Surely concrete proof against the claim of intelligent design, unless God was absolutely off his tits. The cunt's eyes are on different sides of his head, not face, and he seems to be able to conjure chins at will.

He should be relieved of his duties, and put down.

Proof Picasso wasn’t doing abstract.

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27 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Shielding the whole time .. he refused to wear a mask.

Get Fucked @Decimus

Funnily enough, I did have a dose of the Rona in October, courtesy of Mrs D bringing it home from work. Being in peak physical condition on an almost exclusive diet of fags and booze, I barely had any symptoms. I'm not dismissive of people who have suffered immensely or lost loved ones, and I haven't got a problem wearing a mask, but it was a bit of an anticlimax, I've had worse cases of the sniffles.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Funnily enough, I did have a dose of the Rona in October, courtesy of Mrs D bringing it home from work. Being in peak physical condition on an almost exclusive diet of fags and booze, I barely had any symptoms. I'm not dismissive of people who have suffered immensely or lost loved ones, and I haven't got a problem wearing a mask, but it was a bit of an anticlimax, I've had worse cases of the sniffles.

Did you lose your sense of taste (that you never had, at least in the widest sense) and smell (I'd read the reports of a god-awful reek round Costessy, but I put it down to the sugar beet factories - never occured it could be early-stage necrosis of your good self).

Have a 'like' for that return-to-form putdown of Punkers back there, you irredeemable cunt.

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On 25/02/2018 at 22:49, Cuntybaws said:

This chip on her shoulder thick cunt damns herself with her own quote in that article. "It’s dead important to represent loads of different cultures."

Mind you, for an organisation that lets Gary O'Donoghue appear in a visual medium, almost anything is possible. Thank fuck Jade Goody's dead or she'd probably be fronting Newsnight by now.


On 25/02/2018 at 23:03, Last Cunt Standing said:

I understand Mr O’Donoghue lost his eyesight when he was caught in the eyes by a vicious snap of his g-string during his Las Vegas set with The Chippendales. For that reason I give him a pass, unlike you you merciless Cunt. 

Repeat Bollocks. 

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18 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Did you lose your sense of taste (that you never had, at least in the widest sense) and smell (I'd read the reports of a god-awful reek round Costessy, but I put it down to the sugar beet factories - never occured it could be early-stage necrosis of your good self).

Have a 'like' for that return-to-form putdown of Punkers back there, you irredeemable cunt.

Alas my sense of smell remained fully functional, which is a shame as my particular area of the swamp is actually genuinely downwind of a sewage works.

As for my sense of taste, much like Dave Lister, a  misspent youth has left me with only one functional tastebud anyway.

In all seriousness, I had a bit of a cough, no issues with breathing and a mild fever. Typhoid fucking Mary had it a bit worse than me, which considering she is a vegan, currently teetotal, non-smoking fitness fanatic served her fucking right.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

What's your take on the situation in Norfolk, Drew? As a cunt who ticks all the vulnerability boxes necessary for shielding, I imagine that you haven't left the bungalow since March, but still get the EDP delivered each morning along with your four pack of spesh and 20 Royals. 

Did you see the rainbow flag dedication to Fashanu in the stands at Carrow Road? 

I just find it so hard to comprehend just how many fucking idiots there are walking around Norwich who don't know their left from their right.  The government guidance about only mixing with members of your own family is a bit irrelevant for the inhabitants around Dereham as, apart from the Eastern Europeans, they all seem to be fucking related. No, I didn't see any memoriam to a gay, shit stabbing footballer - did it fill you with Pride?

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I just find it so hard to comprehend just how many fucking idiots there are walking around Norwich who don't know their left from their right.  The government guidance about only mixing with members of your own family is a bit irrelevant for the inhabitants around Dereham as, apart from the Eastern Europeans, they all seem to be fucking related. No, I didn't see any memoriam to a gay, shit stabbing footballer - did it fill you with Pride?

I knew he was shit but I didn't know he went round stabbing people! Oh wait, sorry I see what you mean. But apart from that goal against Liverpool, he was still shit. Mind you, he was the best player in his family. 

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12 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I knew he was shit but I didn't know he went round stabbing people! Oh wait, sorry I see what you mean. But apart from that goal against Liverpool, he was still shit. Mind you, he was the best player in his family. 

Goal hanger

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