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Millwall fans booing 'taking the knee'

camberwell gypsy

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Of course I have. I even used you and Punkape as examples of how fake wealth should be portrayed. This fucking half arsed amateur hasn't got a clue. 

Punk ape is old pretend money, obviously I am fake nouveau riche. 

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Just now, JohnnySaucePants said:

Just answer the question. I know where you live.

Print the address here and now... I give my blessing in front of the entire membership. 

@Mrs Roops I would like it known that I have given Johnny full permission to post any personal information he may have regarding my address. 

The ball's in your court, Johnny.

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8 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Jesus wept. " let me get this right". You cant even remember what i said. Read it again, you thieving toe rag.

If you cant even get the facts right, I'm giving you fuck all. In fact i wouldnt give you the drippings off my nose if your life depended on it.

Just own up, you will feel better for it, honestly. It'll partially cleanse your miserable soul. I'll pray for you.

Gone fishing 🙂 



Imagine being that fucking sad and/or useless, that you have to use other people's words to make up some content on a shitty forum at the arse end of the internet that less than two dozen people will ever probably read. You really are a prize cunt, and I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that you won't ever be allowed to live it down.

I wouldn't bother logging back in, Johnny. There is nothing The Corner loves more than catching out a bullshitter and never letting them forget about it. You're fucked.

If I have time and I can bear the thought of reading through your awful fucking drivel, I might check some of your other "original" submissions. I wouldn't be surprised to find you've ripped off dozens of other posts. 


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39 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Imagine being that fucking sad and/or useless, that you have to use other people's words to make up some content on a shitty forum at the arse end of the internet that less than two dozen people will ever probably read. You really are a prize cunt, and I can't begin to tell you how pleased I am that you won't ever be allowed to live it down.

I wouldn't bother logging back in, Johnny. There is nothing The Corner loves more than catching out a bullshitter and never letting them forget about it. You're fucked.

If I have time and I can bear the thought of reading through your awful fucking drivel, I might check some of your other "original" submissions. I wouldn't be surprised to find you've ripped off dozens of other posts. 


I've Googled a couple of lines from Shitpant's claimed Hull Magnum Opus and all that's returned is the Cunts Corner 2016 thread. 

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Unless you're having an argument with your own sock puppet, he's a bullshitting wanker. 


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2 minutes ago, Goober said:

I've Googled a couple of lines from Shitpant's claimed Hull Opus Magnum and all that's returned is the Cunts Corner 2016 thread. 

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Unless you're having an argument with your own sock puppet, he's a bullshitting wanker. 


I did the same, as I started to suspect Johnny may have lifted it from here and posted it on some low brand imitation cunting site, like isacunt.com, forgetting it would have a later date than mine due to him being a stupid fucking cunt.

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6 minutes ago, Goober said:

I've Googled a couple of lines from Shitpant's claimed Hull Opus Magnum and all that's returned is the Cunts Corner 2016 thread. 

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Unless you're having an argument with your own sock puppet, he's a bullshitting wanker. 


Let’s face it - he’s a bullshitting wanker, a pathological liar and a fucking idiot.

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Print the address here and now... I give my blessing in front of the entire membership. 

@Mrs Roops I would like it known that I have given Johnny full permission to post any personal information he may have regarding my address. 

The ball's in your court, Johnny.


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I can't see JohnnyFantasyPants sticking his head above the parapet any time soon. To come across like a total fucking idiot is one thing, but to plagiarise a previous thread verbatim is something else. 

I had my money on Dyslexic being taken out by Christmas, but he's actually turned it around and proved he's not stealing too much oxygen. 

Despite defending Mike 'Rip Their Tights' Tyson. Though not his rape conviction. 

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4 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

I can't see JohnnyFantasyPants sticking his head above the parapet any time soon. To come across like a total fucking idiot is one thing, but to plagiarise a previous thread verbatim is something else. 

I had my money on Dyslexic being taken out by Christmas, but he's actually turned it around and proved he's not stealing too much oxygen. 

Despite defending Mike 'Rip Their Tights' Tyson. Though not his rape conviction. 

It'd be bad enough if it was a deleted member's thread, or someone he hasn't crossed swords with. But can you even begin to imagine how catastrophically fucking stupid he really must be to do it to someone who has been hounding and abusing him for weeks.

I can't wait to read his "A Haunting in Norfolk".

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8 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Here ya go, 

Hull- a vowel away from being Hell. Unfortunately I have been there. What with it being up north, my expectations were already incredibly low, but what awaited me was even more terrible and Dickensian than I could ever have imagined.

From the looks of it, Hull was built in its entirety by a manically depressed, Lowry obsessed architect, working with a budget of the princely sum of £4.83. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd suspect that it was intentionally designed to be so shit and depressing, that it would inspire the vast majority of the benefit scrounging, peasant populace to fling themselves off of the Humber bridge at an early age to stop them being a drain on the state into old age.

The average native is a sorry looking creature. Stunted and bow legged from years of subsisting on a diet of gravy and Findus crispy pancakes, they shuffle from hovel to hovel with the sunken, dead eyes of a concentration camp victim. The only pleasure they seem to derive from their existence, is when they congregate together in large herds, sheltering in bus stops and sharing a can of super t between 12 of them. The grunts and chirps of their local dialect appears to be completely indecipherable to outsiders, although I did pick out the odd word, like "giro" and "ginsters pasty". Plus the only culture to be found in Hull is on the genitals of the local population.

Easily the shittest place I've ever visited.

You've been rumbled Johnny, it's as plain as daylight. I'm actually quite disappointed, especially as I've hitherto held back on joining the others on the basis I admire a scrapper – despite clearly being as thick as pig shit.

I've read through your and @Decimus' original comment about Hull, and there are just too many similarities to not arouse suspicion of direct plagiarism.

I tell you what – I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. You mention in one of your comments you 'copied it from another website', which I assume was to exonerate yourself from accusations of taking it from Dec's original topic. So, prove it by referencing a link for this comment:

8 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Read my original reply to @cuntspotter. You fucking thick inbred pleb. Also it wasnt originally written by you, because i known where you stole if from. You thieving pikey fucking cunt. Lying little shrew faced wanker. If you had any self respect at all you'd kill yourself now. Lying piece of shit that you are.

There are few things in life I loathe more than a plagiarist – and then one who lies about it. I await your response.

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53 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

You've been rumbled Johnny, it's as plain as daylight. I'm actually quite disappointed, especially as I've hitherto held back on joining the others on the basis I admire a scrapper – despite clearly being as thick as pig shit.

I've read through your and @Decimus' original comment about Hull, and there are just too many similarities to not arouse suspicion of direct plagiarism.

I tell you what – I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself. You mention in one of your comments you 'copied it from another website', which I assume was to exonerate yourself from accusations of taking it from Dec's original topic. So, prove it by referencing a link for this comment:

There are few things in life I loathe more than a plagiarist – and then one who lies about it. I await your response.

Hull of all places too. A desolate shitehole which you'd honestly have to visit in person to believe. It looks like the pages described in a Charles Dickens novel except their now all clad in 'Sports Directs' finest.

The working girls with teeth like a witch doctors necklace out of their nuts on heroin and spice, as opposed to opium. A once once thriving fishing port fucked by the EU. Forced to sell their trawlers for a penance and a generation shafted. 

I'm hoping Boris says no, and tells the swarthy over quota fishing Johnny foreigners to watch out for Navy frigates...

Maybe there's a way back for these places! 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Hull of all places too. A desolate shitehole which you'd honestly have to visit in person to believe. It looks like the pages described in a Charles Dickens novel except their now all clad in 'Sports Directs' finest.

The working girls with teeth like a witch doctors necklace out of their nuts on heroin and spice, as opposed to opium. A once once thriving fishing port fucked by the EU. Forced to sell their trawlers for a penance and a generation shafted. 

I'm hoping Boris says no, and tells the swarthy over quota fishing Johnny foreigners to watch out for Navy frigates...

Maybe there's a way back for these places! 

I bet the Larkin memorabilia shop has a bigger turnover than the local fishing industry. 

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Hull of all places too. A desolate shitehole which you'd honestly have to visit in person to believe. It looks like the pages described in a Charles Dickens novel except their now all clad in 'Sports Directs' finest.

The working girls with teeth like a witch doctors necklace out of their nuts on heroin and spice, as opposed to opium. A once once thriving fishing port fucked by the EU. Forced to sell their trawlers for a penance and a generation shafted. 

I'm hoping Boris says no, and tells the swarthy over quota fishing Johnny foreigners to watch out for Navy frigates...

Maybe there's a way back for these places! 

I went to a medical conference at Hull Uni about 20 odd years ago. Stayes in an inn in a delightful little village a few miles outside. Chocolate box cottages with roses in the gardens. Lovely place. Drove into Hull itself. What a fucking comedown that was. I think nuking the place would have improved it. 

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32 minutes ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Fuck, you are getting tiresome Eric, you are just so stunningly stupid.

I i were to take a pretty accurate guess at your IQ, Being generous, i'd say maybe a point or two above @Ape™️. In other words, one step ahead of a monkey. Now whats this " i give my blessings, and I would like it known". FF sake you prat.

Anyway, it's a great idea, here's the conditions. Go back to the cunting cats thread, where you stated, quote, " i know exactly where you live". Good, now you have my permission to put it here to show you arnt simply the bull shitting little ferret face toady little egotistical  wanker i know you to be.

Do it, and i'll promise, as soon as you have, i'll  post yours. That's a promise. 🙂 

Do it now, go on.  


Of course I don't have your address. I just made it up months ago to get under your skin. It seems to have worked.

I'm not a doorman either. I work in endangered species conservation. I wank pandas.

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2 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Fuck, you are getting tiresome Eric, you are just so stunningly stupid.

I i were to take a pretty accurate guess at your IQ, Being generous, i'd say maybe a point or two above @Ape™️. In other words, one step ahead of a monkey. Now whats this " i give my blessings, and I would like it known". FF sake you prat.

Anyway, it's a great idea, here's the conditions. Go back to the cunting cats thread, where you stated, quote, " i know exactly where you live". Good, now you have my permission to put it here to show you arnt simply the bull shitting little ferret face toady little egotistical  wanker i know you to be.

Do it, and i'll promise, as soon as you have, i'll  post yours. That's a promise. 🙂 

Do it now, go on.  


Making judgments about the IQ of other members, when you have such an appalling grasp of written English, is fucking hilarious. I’m 100% certain that if an IQ survey of the CC membership were to be conducted, you’d be the one wearing a pointed hat. JohnnyD - the site simpleton.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Of course I don't have your address. I just made it up months ago to get under your skin. It seems to have worked.

I'm not a doorman either. I work in endangered species conservation. I wank pandas.

So.... how do you get into that line of work?

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2 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

Making judgments about the IQ of other members, when you have such an appalling grasp of written English, is fucking hilarious. I’m 100% certain that if an IQ survey of the CC membership were to be conducted, you’d be the one wearing a pointed hat. JohnnyD - the site simpleton.

He’d probably wear a number of hats. Probably the only time in his life he’s been able to do more than one thing at once.


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10 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I went to a medical conference at Hull Uni about 20 odd years ago. Stayes in an inn in a delightful little village a few miles outside. Chocolate box cottages with roses in the gardens. Lovely place. Drove into Hull itself. What a fucking comedown that was. I think nuking the place would have improved it. 

Remember the BBC documentary from the 80's about a nuclear war that caused quite a stir due to its graphic content? They could have filmed the entire thing in Hull including extras and saved a fortune.

If anyone can remember it's title, particularly @Eric Cuntman  are resident Barry Norman. I'd appreciate it.


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