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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What I've noticed in my time as a parent and grandparent is that when two boys have a spat its forgotten within 25 minutes and they get on playing. With girls it lasts for fucking ever. As demonstrated with this tournament. Two days after the final I'm still seeing the word "gutted" with some fucking player or ex player crying in the press over the loss. Get the fuck over it. Spain were the better side so suck it up and get on with life. Hubby's dinner won't cook itself. 

It's a shame modern women aren't more like you CG, nowadays it seems the norm is to be non binary, unable to cook and clean, and to moan about every perceived lack of justice. My neighboour told me (after a few drinks) that she was a dyke and polyamorous, lol, which to me says she was a fucking slag. She even offered Raas some of her no doubt well dildoed pum pum. Although I say some sexist and often perverted things regarding the fairer sex, I do respect women. The problem for me is when they demand equal pay etc, when in many jobs they cannot compete physically with a man (unless it's a scrawny weakling like @Zev or @ChildeHarold). If I'm in a burning building, passed out from a drink and drugs bender, I'd rather some strong man (whose able to actually move me coming to help) as opposed to some women who weighs less than my schlong. I recall Laurence Fox saying he won't date a woman under 35, as they're too woke and he's right. Picture the scene CG, Raas on a date with a beautiful red head (approximately 31 years old at the time) curves, tasteful tattoos, decent tits and a lovely arse. All went well, (although she was a vegetarian) and I banged her a couple of times and then, as I got to know her better, she starts coming out with shite. I remember her saying only white people can be racist for example lol. It was in that moment that I knew it wasn't going to last, I'd have considered putting a baby Raas in her but it wasn't to be. That's another problem CG, if you want a nipper, you don't want an old banger who's going to have a meltdown and be unable to cope when the hard work of parenting begins. Which leaves you with no choice but to get some younger bird up the duff, with the risk of her influencing said nipper in the ways of woke. 

It's hard out there for a decent bloke like myself. I might get a Russian bride, they're old school. 

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It's a shame modern women aren't more like you CG, nowadays it seems the norm is to be non binary, unable to cook and clean, and to moan about every perceived lack of justice. My neighboour told me (after a few drinks) that she was a dyke and polyamorous, lol, which to me says she was a fucking slag. She even offered Raas some of her no doubt well dildoed pum pum. Although I say some sexist and often perverted things regarding the fairer sex, I do respect women. The problem for me is when they demand equal pay etc, when in many jobs they cannot compete physically with a man (unless it's a scrawny weakling like @Zev or @ChildeHarold). If I'm in a burning building, passed out from a drink and drugs bender, I'd rather some strong man (whose able to actually move me coming to help) as opposed to some women who weighs less than my schlong. I recall Laurence Fox saying he won't date a woman under 35, as they're too woke and he's right. Picture the scene CG, Raas on a date with a beautiful red head (approximately 31 years old at the time) curves, tasteful tattoos, decent tits and a lovely arse. All went well, (although she was a vegetarian) and I banged her a couple of times and then, as I got to know her better, she starts coming out with shite. I remember her saying only white people can be racist for example lol. It was in that moment that I knew it wasn't going to last, I'd have considered putting a baby Raas in her but it wasn't to be. That's another problem CG, if you want a nipper, you don't want an old banger who's going to have a meltdown and be unable to cope when the hard work of parenting begins. Which leaves you with no choice but to get some younger bird up the duff, with the risk of her influencing said nipper in the ways of woke. 

It's hard out there for a decent bloke like myself. I might get a Russian bride, they're old school. 

I might get a Russian bride

not when they start spouting Russian tractor production figures and Marxist quotes.

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6 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I'd have considered putting a baby Raas in her

You do realise, she was only going with you so she could tick another of her woke boxes?

She probably didn't even like you, well, how could she? you're not a likable fellow, despite what the arse-lickers on here might say.

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12 minutes ago, Zev said:

You do realise, she was only going with you so she could tick another of her woke boxes?

She probably didn't even like you, well, how could she? you're not a likable fellow, despite what the arse-lickers on here might say.

It can't have escaped your attention R-Soles that other than Pen, you are probably the most detested person on this site.

Serious question- why do you think that is?

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49 minutes ago, Zev said:

you're not a likable fellow

Are you American? I thought it's likeable? Either way you sound a bit upset 'Zev' and so you should be... You've nobody but yourself to blame for the hidings you receive here, every day, every month, year after year. Lol. I'm not here to be liked by the way and why would I want a twisted cunt like you liking me? You're in no position to talk about girlfriends either, after lying about having a girlfriend who works at Billingsgate market... (Lol) you know, the one you 'visit' there and not at her/your home (like most normal people do). If this girl exists, does the she even know she's 'your' girlfriend? (Lol). You really are a creepy, sinister bastard. Lol.

Fuck off. 


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18 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Are you American? I thought it's likeable? Either way you sound a bit upset 'Zev' and so you should be... You've nobody but yourself to blame for the hidings you receive here, every day, every month, year after year. Lol. I'm not here to be liked by the way and why would I want a twisted cunt like you liking me? You're in no position to talk about girlfriends either, after lying about having a girlfriend who works at Billingsgate market... (Lol) you know, the one you 'visit' there and not at her/your home (like most normal people do). If this girl exists, does the she even know she's 'your' girlfriend? (Lol). You really are a creepy, sinister bastard. Lol.

Fuck off. 


If anyone here genuinely had a girlfriend who worked at Billingsgate Fish Market, given the amount of jokes it might spawn, they'd be best placed to not disclose this fact. That said, he's as thick a north London brick.

Customers in Tesco Golders Green must think the store's fresh fish counter has reopened each time Zev's 'bird' walks past them!

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I have no thoughts on Moderna recently paying the FDA $400 million probably because Moderna has not recently paid the FDA $400 million. They did pay the government owned NIAID/NIH $400 million as part of a licensing agreement to use NIH technologies to develop their vaccines.

NIAID/NIH/FDA? Does it matter which of Fauci’s corrupt tentacles the $400m was handed to? The stench of corruption must surely be apparent to even the die hard Long Covid addicts who’ve lost all sense of smell (no.4 on the list of symptoms to tick when applying for a government funded life of leisure). Moderna  throwing huge sums of cash at the government bodies that then recommend their ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental and unnecessary product to the public used to fall straight into the ‘conflict of interest’ category. That was before that category was given a makeover and renamed the ‘conspiracy theory’ category. Jonathan Van Tam might confirm this theory when he emerges from the revolving door and settles in to his new office at Moderna HQ.

Get fucked.

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

NIAID/NIH/FDA? Does it matter which of Fauci’s corrupt tentacles the $400m was handed to? The stench of corruption must surely be apparent to even the die hard Long Covid addicts who’ve lost all sense of smell (no.4 on the list of symptoms to tick when applying for a government funded life of leisure). Moderna  throwing huge sums of cash at the government bodies that then recommend their ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental and unnecessary product to the public used to fall straight into the ‘conflict of interest’ category. That was before that category was given a makeover and renamed the ‘conspiracy theory’ category. Jonathan Van Tam might confirm this theory when he emerges from the revolving door and settles in to his new office at Moderna HQ.

Get fucked.

The Moderna gravy train has been ongoing for some time all directly or indirectly linked to individuals and institutions.....  Ralph Baric, Peter Danzak, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to name just a few, there are plenty more important ones than these.

The money changing hands, is just part of the process of corruption, especially when it is on the taxpayer's dine. It is the pre cursors to it that need to be focused on and they start from a very long time ago.

The notion of a scary deadly virus on the loose is a winner for many. The pandemic preparedness industry has been in development for decades. SARS-CoV-2 was the point at which it proved to be an operation success and a future repeating business model.

I don't know if it is possible to deliver a biological weapon across a population any more than i know if it is possible to have a viral respiratory pandemic, least of all one that spreads to 130 different countries in matter of weeks.

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6 minutes ago, The Beast said:

The Moderna gravy train has been ongoing for some time all directly or indirectly linked to individuals and institutions.....  Ralph Baric, Peter Danzak, the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to name just a few, there are plenty more important ones than these.

The money changing hands, is just part of the process of corruption, especially when it is on the taxpayer's dine. It is the pre cursors to it that need to be focused on and they start from a very long time ago.

The notion of a scary deadly virus on the loose is a winner for many. The pandemic preparedness industry has been in development for decades. SARS-CoV-2 was the point at which it proved to be an operation success and a future repeating business model.

I don't know if it is possible to deliver a biological weapon across a population any more than i know if it is possible to have a viral respiratory pandemic, least of all one that spreads to 130 different countries in matter of weeks.

The lack of any urgency or even willingness to investigate and publicise the truth about the origin of Covid 19 speaks volumes, given that it’s sudden emergence in 2020 followed by the almost identical and previously unheard of responses (WHO recommendations and guidelines), by nearly every government on the planet, which have (predictably) resulted in the catastrophic collapse of basically everything  , everywhere, and all for what’s now turned to be, and tbh quickly became quite apparent as no more deadly than a bad winter flu (which took a couple of years off and conveniently disappeared). One would have thought that the gov of every country on Earth that took these drastic measures would now be searching for the facts  and demanding answers from the organisations and ‘experts’ who led them down the garden path and made them think they somehow had the authority to tyrannise the people they claim to serve? The fact that very little of this is happening says it all about the cowards, most of whom are still in power and banking on the majority of fucking morons moving on to  the next distraction.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

NIAID/NIH/FDA? Does it matter which of Fauci’s corrupt tentacles the $400m was handed to? The stench of corruption must surely be apparent to even the die hard Long Covid addicts who’ve lost all sense of smell (no.4 on the list of symptoms to tick when applying for a government funded life of leisure). Moderna  throwing huge sums of cash at the government bodies that then recommend their ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental and unnecessary product to the public used to fall straight into the ‘conflict of interest’ category. That was before that category was given a makeover and renamed the ‘conspiracy theory’ category. Jonathan Van Tam might confirm this theory when he emerges from the revolving door and settles in to his new office at Moderna HQ.

Get fucked.

Of course it matters, publicly owned NIAID which is funded by US tax dollars via the NIH is a govt research entity whereas the FDA is a regulatory authority. It's quite simple Billy - if any research entity researches, develops and patents a technology, then any commercial entity wishing to use patented technology for profitable gain will pay a licence fee. Only an unhinged conspiracy-obsessive would jump up and down and scream "corruption" without seeing any form of evidence whatsoever. Jeeze, you recently endorsed the notion that Oprah Winfrey et al deliberately ignited the Maui fires so we can see how your mindset operates...

Stay warm

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

Of course all women deserve equal pay. It’s called ‘the minimum wage’.

You booked in for your womb transplant yet Bill or what? I see the technique has come to the UK and I reckon knocking out a couple of kids as a sideline to the Brothel and the Christmas Trees should keep the M3 insured for another year or two. Bon chance. 

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You booked in for your womb transplant yet Bill or what? I see the technique has come to the UK and I reckon knocking out a couple of kids as a sideline to the Brothel and the Christmas Trees should keep the M3 insured for another year or two. Bon chance. 

I am guessing you have got to be a complete cunt in the first place to be eligible.

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You booked in for your womb transplant yet Bill or what? I see the technique has come to the UK and I reckon knocking out a couple of kids as a sideline to the Brothel and the Christmas Trees should keep the M3 insured for another year or two. Bon chance. 

It’s an imaginary M4 Doc. Ffs. And another thing, if you ever call me Bill again I’ll hunt you down and make sure you’re sorry you were ever born, or at least sorry you were ever found (abandoned in the doorway of the Australian Medical Council in an Aboriginal sandal sized shoebox)

My name is Billy (He/Him).

G’day mate.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Of course it matters, publicly owned NIAID which is funded by US tax dollars via the NIH is a govt research entity whereas the FDA is a regulatory authority. It's quite simple Billy - if any research entity researches, develops and patents a technology, then any commercial entity wishing to use patented technology for profitable gain will pay a licence fee. Only an unhinged conspiracy-obsessive would jump up and down and scream "corruption" without seeing any form of evidence whatsoever. Jeeze, you recently endorsed the notion that Oprah Winfrey et al deliberately ignited the Maui fires so we can see how your mindset operates...

Stay warm

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Give my love to Dr Fauci when you get home.

Stay fucked.

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12 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Of course it matters, publicly owned NIAID which is funded by US tax dollars via the NIH is a govt research entity whereas the FDA is a regulatory authority. It's quite simple Billy - if any research entity researches, develops and patents a technology, then any commercial entity wishing to use patented technology for profitable gain will pay a licence fee. Only an unhinged conspiracy-obsessive would jump up and down and scream "corruption" without seeing any form of evidence whatsoever. Jeeze, you recently endorsed the notion that Oprah Winfrey et al deliberately ignited the Maui fires so we can see how your mindset operates...

Stay warm

All nice and cozy, totally above board and nothing whatsoever to see here folks….except something doesn’t seem right here? Moderna’s only product to this day ever brought to market is what???? Oh yes the experimental mRNA ‘totally safe and …..’ cocktail. 2021 sales $17.7bn and a mere $12.2bn profit to show for it. 2022 even better. The CEO Stephan Bancel (current worth around 5.5 billion) made around 3.6 million dollars a day in 2021 and that was just from quietly selling off a small block of his company shares. What could be possibly construed as a conflict of interest when the US federal government is still recommending their business partner Moderna’s jabs to everyone 6 months old and above? I’ve not seen any evidence of babies, infants or children being at any health risk whatsoever that could justify them being medically experimented on in such a reckless and criminal manner.  And the frantic race to replace the historically relatively safe, tried and tested old fashioned vaccines, which combined have had many times less adverse reactions ever than just two years of  the ‘totally unsafe, totally unnecessary and totally non effective’ snake oils which mugs like you can’t get enough of with Big Pharma and their crooked (secret contracts, legal immunity etc. etc.) partners in government are more than happy to oblige (after all it’s your money that they’re pocketing)  must surely be worth asking the question …why?  Stay jabbed.

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Give my love to Dr Fauci when you get home.

Stay fucked.


10 hours ago, King Billy said:

All nice and cozy, totally above board and nothing whatsoever to see here folks….except something doesn’t seem right here? Moderna’s only product to this day ever brought to market is what???? Oh yes the experimental mRNA ‘totally safe and …..’ cocktail. 2021 sales $17.7bn and a mere $12.2bn profit to show for it. 2022 even better. The CEO Stephan Bancel (current worth around 5.5 billion) made around 3.6 million dollars a day in 2021 and that was just from quietly selling off a small block of his company shares. What could be possibly construed as a conflict of interest when the US federal government is still recommending their business partner Moderna’s jabs to everyone 6 months old and above? I’ve not seen any evidence of babies, infants or children being at any health risk whatsoever that could justify them being medically experimented on in such a reckless and criminal manner.  And the frantic race to replace the historically relatively safe, tried and tested old fashioned vaccines, which combined have had many times less adverse reactions ever than just two years of  the ‘totally unsafe, totally unnecessary and totally non effective’ snake oils which mugs like you can’t get enough of with Big Pharma and their crooked (secret contracts, legal immunity etc. etc.) partners in government are more than happy to oblige (after all it’s your money that they’re pocketing)  must surely be worth asking the question …why?  Stay jabbed.


Billy, you've said this all before and it's clear now as it was then that you haven't a clue how modern industry works. As a kindness I advised you to stay off a subject that you have no comprehension about. As for Bancel "quietly" (last time you said "secretly") selling his stock, that simply cant be done. Under US law such disposals have to be done with SEC approval. In any case realising personal wealth by selling shareholdings "quietly" or "secretly" would spook the market making the shares worthless. Clearly a fantasist who claims to work only four weeks a year selling dead trees from the back of his employer's Sherpa van has no idea about financial market making or how modern industry operates.

Stay warm.

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18 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s an imaginary M4 Doc. Ffs. And another thing, if you ever call me Bill again I’ll hunt you down and make sure you’re sorry you were ever born, or at least sorry you were ever found (abandoned in the doorway of the Australian Medical Council in an Aboriginal sandal sized shoebox)

My name is Billy (He/Him).

G’day mate.

Sorry Bill, won’t happen again. Looking forward to Trumpy’s mug shot later? I know I am. 

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On 22/08/2023 at 09:40, camberwell gypsy said:

What I've noticed in my time as a parent and grandparent is that when two boys have a spat its forgotten within 25 minutes and they get on playing. With girls it lasts for fucking ever. As demonstrated with this tournament. Two days after the final I'm still seeing the word "gutted" with some fucking player or ex player crying in the press over the loss. Get the fuck over it. Spain were the better side so suck it up and get on with life. Hubby's dinner won't cook itself. 

You just want to kiss them on the lips. 

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