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Thank fuck I live in the west where the only tar brushed type one sees is the cooli wahalla who cooks my curry and rice 

If these uneducated fatherless fuckwits want to kill each other, crack on sambo. The only cunt about this story is they’re not all out butchering their bruthas en mass. 

In the spirit of equality Id extend that invitation to similarly fucking thick scumbags of any colour, and the Irish 

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I totally agree, he has a complex legacy. As a younger man I just assumed that he was a clear cut racist, such was his demonisation amongst a large part of the population.

I think the whole "Enoch was right" National front shit that was latched on to by the far right in the 70s and 80s did him a disservice. I don't believe he was an ideological racist, just a man with concerns around the impact of mass immigration. Opposition and concern about such things doesn't equate to racism in my mind, but as with you, I don't agree with everything he said either, which is why his legacy has been hijacked and irreparably damaged.

All that being said, I'd love to know what his thoughts would be on this channel 5 black Anne Boleyn shit.


Can you imagine the scenario.. the kids are watching the ch5 adaptation of Anne Boleyn, they ask their mother: 

"mum, was Henry the eighth a racist?"

Chardonnay looks up from her online bingo....

"Must be if it's on telly babe."

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can you imagine the scenario.. the kids are watching the ch5 adaptation of Anne Boleyn, they ask their mother: 

"mum, was Henry the eighth a racist?"

Chardonnay looks up from her online bingo....

"Must be if it's on telly babe."

I just caught the ch5 blurb advertising this shite and nearly spat tea and rock cake on the fucking carpet 

I hope this is just a phase in society that is somehow trying to atone for things that happened donkeys years ago that had fuck all to do with me. 
I also hope they make a film about David Livingston where all the Africans are played by whites, but of course that would be racist 

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53 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Thank fuck I live in the west where the only tar brushed type one sees is the cooli wahalla who cooks my curry and rice 

If these uneducated fatherless fuckwits want to kill each other, crack on sambo. The only cunt about this story is they’re not all out butchering their bruthas en mass. 

In the spirit of equality Id extend that invitation to similarly fucking thick scumbags of any colour, and the Irish 

Might as well take out all of UK’s assorted garbage. I would extend it to violent offenders and pervs in jails. All colours, of course.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I totally agree, he has a complex legacy. As a younger man I just assumed that he was a clear cut racist, such was his demonisation amongst a large part of the population.

I think the whole "Enoch was right" National front shit that was latched on to by the far right in the 70s and 80s did him a disservice. I don't believe he was an ideological racist, just a man with concerns around the impact of mass immigration. Opposition and concern about such things doesn't equate to racism in my mind, but as with you, I don't agree with everything he said either, which is why his legacy has been hijacked and irreparably damaged.

All that being said, I'd love to know what his thoughts would be on this channel 5 black Anne Boleyn shit.


A very interesting man .. he said that the Indians were intellectually superior to us, he saw the Americans as potential enemies. He also said that he would fight for this country even if the communists were in power. He certainly a patriot. He was not a racist he was simply fearful of what was happening in this country.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

In spite of being an elitist Cambridge Draconian, and probably a wardrobe cocksmoker, when a member of Ted Heath's shadow cabinet he was MP for Wolverhampton South West – and therefore someone who had first-hand experience of immigration en masse in the 1960s. I wouldn't say he called it 100% right but I'd make a generous donation to see him Mayor of London right now.

I remember a live BBC2 programme back in the 80s that had a bunch of students firing questions at him. I reckon the BBC hoped that it would show him up as a dithering old bastard, chewed up by the left wing intelligencia. They couldn't have been more wrong. He fucking slaughtered them, particularly some yank girl who basically fucked up her research and quoted facts that weren't true. "Young lady, let me give you a tip: make sure that, when you interview people, you get the facts correct.......".  Utterly brilliant. 

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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

Funny that the cunt that started BLM is being investigated, 3 million of property under her belt, all in white areas...







Facebook, Twitter and Google have admitted that they’ve paid her millions of dollars of ‘consultancy fees’ in the last 12 months. Another BLM bigwig who sits on the education board of some shithole Dem run state has stepped down from his position while the Feds are investigating sexual abuse allegations by 62 children. 

Fucking lowlife disingenuous race baiting scumbags every one of the pondlife cunts.

George Floyd was a cunt. 

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17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Amazing isn't it. The only thing that any of them are actually inclined to do, and they're fucking shit at it.

Hey Eric, I didn’t know you had a sideline in running the NFL compensation scheme, though it seems your days are numbered....


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9 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Agreed, and a great pity his son didn't follow in his footsteps.  That said, great drummer, and better than fucking Frank.


He was on the radio when he died, well all over the dashboard actually.

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17 hours ago, Decimus said:

I totally agree, he has a complex legacy. As a younger man I just assumed that he was a clear cut racist, such was his demonisation amongst a large part of the population.

I think the whole "Enoch was right" National front shit that was latched on to by the far right in the 70s and 80s did him a disservice. I don't believe he was an ideological racist, just a man with concerns around the impact of mass immigration. Opposition and concern about such things doesn't equate to racism in my mind, but as with you, I don't agree with everything he said either, which is why his legacy has been hijacked and irreparably damaged.

All that being said, I'd love to know what his thoughts would be on this channel 5 black Anne Boleyn shit.


I think you and I are somewhat politically poles apart, especially with my views on New Labour and the irreversible legacy that fucking colossal cunt Blair has left us. Under his government there was a deliberate policy to allow millions of newcomers into our country and never to talk about it, in some cases ending the careers of any politician who spoke out against it (do you remember the furore in 2001 when then-Conservative MP John Townend accused Blair of turning the British into a 'race of mongrels'?).

This is one of a handful of reasons why a growing number of black people have brought a little bit of Lagos to the streets of London and are attacking one another with machetes. Sadly for our once-green and pleasant land, it's going to get a lot worse for reasons you've already pointed out in your preceding post (police too scared to search black youths because of career-threatening accusations of racism), as well as the growth of unnecessary trouble-making Marxist shithouse BLM.

Powell's words some 50 years ago had the powerful and immediate effect of elevating him to the position of people's champion. It also effectively ended his career as a front-rank politician – Heath sacked him, and thereafter he was always a maverick figure in the eyes of Parliament. Despite being immediately branded a 'racist', in retrospect his support continues to grow, especially because he did a massive service to the UK by opening the immigration debate which people still reference to this day.

He believed immigration was not evil, that immigrants are not all bad people, and healthy Western societies must allow a certain amount of people in to thrive etc. He vehemently believed (as do I) it is the responsibility of governments to control the flow of immigrants, and that no government controlling a society can afford to be entirely laissez-faire about who comes to settle in the UK. This is not racist, and it's a massive shame the knuckle-dragging far-right has exploited (to Powell's detriment) his genuine concerns for simply being a passionate, democratic British patriot.

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19 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can you imagine the scenario.. the kids are watching the ch5 adaptation of Anne Boleyn, they ask their mother: 

"mum, was Henry the eighth a racist?"

Chardonnay looks up from her online bingo....

"Must be if it's on telly babe."


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On 03/06/2021 at 16:22, Eddie said:

In 24 hours machete thugs stab each other in Hyde park, more machete thugs in Greenwich battle like gladiators, man shot in Brixton and police attacked when they turn up, another stabbing in Shepherd’s Bush, can you guess the common denominator? Khans London is a cess pit, but as long as it’s not racist it’s  all part of living in a city, BLM indeed...

The only thing Khan gives a fuck about is his PR image. He put up one of his usual fuckwit videos droning on about safe and "diverse London" until some cunt decided to make a few alterations which included a nice cold dose of reality....


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Guest judgetwi
32 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

The only thing Khan gives a fuck about is his PR image. He put up one of his usual fuckwit videos droning on about safe and "diverse London" until some cunt decided to make a few alterations which included a nice cold dose of reality....


This is London and everybody’s welcome........er.......except Donald Trump....and the Jews...and minorities such as the white London born working class.......and the Prime Minister......and the Royal Fascist Racist Family. 

Prince Harry and his oh so very black wife and incredibly black, disadvantaged  offspring  are especially welcome. 👳🏽‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Eddie said:


I am still literally in shock over this embarrassing attempt at race manipulation-turned historical faux pas. Of all our mainstream TV channels, my money is on the BBC to be first to push the PC bollocks further by airing a Sunday evening Churchill WW2 drama mini-series. I can imagine it now:

Speaker of the House of Commons: 'The House calls upon the Prime Minister for his defence strategy' 

Churchill: 'We gotss'ta fight on de beaches, on de landin' grounds, in de fields and in de streets, we shall fight in de hills, we shall neva' surrender brutha.'

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9 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I am still literally in shock over this embarrassing attempt at race manipulation-turned historical faux pas. Of all our mainstream TV channels, my money is on the BBC to be first to push the PC bollocks further by airing a Sunday evening Churchill WW2 drama mini-series. I can imagine it now:

Speaker of the House of Commons: 'The House calls upon the Prime Minister for his defence strategy' 

Churchill: 'We gotss'ta fight on de beaches, on de landin' grounds, in de fields and in de streets, we shall fight in de hills, we shall neva' surrender brutha.'

We will faight dem in da chicken shops, and in da JD Sports... We shall never be civilised. Word.

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43 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Speaker of the House of Commons: 'The House calls upon the Prime Minister for his defence strategy' 

Churchill: 'We gotss'ta fight on de beaches, on de landin' grounds, in de fields and in de streets, we shall fight in de hills, we shall neva' surrender brutha.'

Whilst viewing dramatisations of real world events and figures, it is often required that we suspend disbelief for a moment, but I can't see any cunt for one second accepting Churchill as a geordie. 

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Guest judgetwi
On 03/06/2021 at 23:11, camberwell gypsy said:

I remember a live BBC2 programme back in the 80s that had a bunch of students firing questions at him. I reckon the BBC hoped that it would show him up as a dithering old bastard, chewed up by the left wing intelligencia. They couldn't have been more wrong. He fucking slaughtered them, particularly some yank girl who basically fucked up her research and quoted facts that weren't true. "Young lady, let me give you a tip: make sure that, when you interview people, you get the facts correct.......".  Utterly brilliant. 

Hello Mrs Pikey. I tried to give you a “like” yesterday but the message came up..... “your reaction has been removed.”

Now I know Mr Roops shits his Y Fronts at the very mention of my name but we are talking about guilt by association here.  Not your fault, obviously, but i’m afraid i’ve dropped you right  in it. 

Ok you haven’t exactly been denied an Oscar nomination but cancel culture is coming my way that’s for sure so, in the meantime, i’m toying with the idea of calling you a dirty gyppo, freeloading cunt at every opportunity. Anything to help you out Mrs P.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

I am still literally in shock over this embarrassing attempt at race manipulation-turned historical faux pas. Of all our mainstream TV channels, my money is on the BBC to be first to push the PC bollocks further by airing a Sunday evening Churchill WW2 drama mini-series. I can imagine it now:

Speaker of the House of Commons: 'The House calls upon the Prime Minister for his defence strategy' 

Churchill: 'We gotss'ta fight on de beaches, on de landin' grounds, in de fields and in de streets, we shall fight in de hills, we shall neva' surrender brutha.'

Played by Grace Jones.

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11 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Hello Mrs Pikey. I tried to give you a “like” yesterday but the message came up..... “your reaction has been removed.”

Now I know Mr Roops shits his Y Fronts at the very mention of my name but we are talking about guilt by association here.  Not your fault, obviously, but i’m afraid i’ve dropped you right  in it. 

Ok you haven’t exactly been denied an Oscar nomination but cancel culture is coming my way that’s for sure so, in the meantime, i’m toying with the idea of calling you a dirty gyppo, freeloading cunt at every opportunity. Anything to help you out Mrs P.

Smooth talking bastard. 

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